Writ of Fate Quests

The Beginning

Yrsa the Troll
Isle of Ashes
Quest Description: Kill the dragonflies (then once you've proven yourself by doing this) Unite the 6 clans of Chedian

Forad Darre
Isle of Ashes
Quest Description: Destroy the skeletons and open the shipping lane

The Approach of the Hordes of Tamur Leng

Thronheim City
City Gate
Quest Description: Bring peace to Drangheim and Sturmford and then attend the War Council in Thronheim City
Caution: The links in the description go directly to the walkthru information.

Yrsa the Troll
Thronheim City
Quest Description: Win a stuffed dragon at the Gathering in Thjorgard and give it to Yrsa's daughter, Bikki Yrsadotir, in Thronheim

Dain Strongsword
Thronheim City
Guard at Palace Door
Quest Description: Follow the Army to Yorwick


Hanndl the Gatekeeper
Arslegard City
Quest Description: Obtain a Writ of Fate, Travserse the Dark Passageway

The Afterworld and Beyond

Hall of the Gods
Quest Description: Light the 6 Fires of Pennance in the Afterworld

Writ of Fate
Arslegard City
Town Hall
Quest Description:Confront Tamur Leng in Frosgard City

Krohn Hall of the Gods
Throne (#1)
Quest Description: Imprison the Meddler in 1000 Terrors