Isle of Ashes

Walkthru & strategy

Isle of Ashes Map
Perception: 0
Lock Difficulty: 0
Trap Deadliness: 1
Treasure Level: 1
Creatures: Skeletoids, Dragonflies, Jellyspores, Sea Monster

You find yourself shipwrecked on the beach just NW of the Derelict Ship (6). Head just south east and loot the chest here before continuing.

Now you will need to fight your way past skeletoids to cross the bridge to the main island. These little buggers are very small, quite fast, and can be incredibly difficult to hit at your current level.  TBCM may be a wise choice until you get the hang of dealing with them.

You will encounter more skeltoids and a dragonfly or two on your way through the pass heading west toward the next bridge. Once at the second bridge speak to Forad Darre (1) before doing anything else.

Kill the Dragonflies

Forad sends you to find Yrsa the Troll who lives in the little hut (2) on the NW corner of the main island. At first she refuses to tell you who she is instead sending you to rid her of a pesky dragonfly in the area (3) to the east through the tunnel just outside her door.

You do not need to kill all the dragonflies, but getting the one(s) she wants dead on the first try is highly unlikely. The dragonflies can be a royal pain at this point in the game so a quick trip to the elemental resistance cook pot might be a wise choice. Also heal up at the well on the NW corner of Yrsa's hut if necessary. It can't hurt to use the Might pedestal near the first bridge you crossed, at this point every little bit helps.

We found two fire dragonflies here and got roasted. So a little caution is prudent. Sneak through the tunnel and lure one or two dragonflies at a time to you by using some type of ranged attack to get their attention. Then back up a bit and try to block them at the entrance. Dispatch those, run to the well behind Yrsa's if necessary and go back for a couple more. Keep at it until you succeed in killing the right one(s), a ding will sound to know you have been successful. There is a chest in that area so you may want to keep at the dragonflies until they are all gone so you can get to the chest unmolested.

Return to Yrsa and follow the conversation on how to get off the island. She assigns your coalition quest, to unite the 6 Clans of Chedian. Then return to Forad Darre and welcome him to your party (whether you want to or not, you're stuck with him). 

Destroy Skeletons, Open Shipping Lane

Forad speaks to you of a locked door before joining. Press the number 5 and follow the conversation about the locked door. Return to Yrsa for the Key then head over the bridge toward the locked door (5). You will need to fight more skeletoids just on the other side of the bridge and an ambush will occur with skeletoids and a skeleton as you travel the short path to the Locked Door. Forad is actually useful here, he can hit better than your party at this point and dole out substantially more damage.

Enter the room behind the locked door and loot the chest there. Now you can use the book on the pedestal to leave the island unless.....


You're feeling frisky. We tumbled off the bridge at its end near Verhoffin Ruins. We stirred up a jellyspore with all the flailing about in the water. After a few tries it was discovered that they lock on to you from a good distance away.  This can be used to your advantage if you have ranged weapons. All 4 of my people have bow, wouldn't be without it. So we went jellyspore hunting!

Swim from a spot you know you can exit quickly from the water.  The second a jellyspore locks on turn about and go like mad for the shore. Stop at the edge just out of the water and then start firing. Many of these creatures will continue their attack, if it starts to leave just jump in the water and right back out to lure it back. The timing varies but try not to go too far from your "safe exit" or the spores will over take and you'll become just so much flotsam.

There is also a male sea monster near your wrecked ship. He is another matter entirely. Worth over 1,000 exp if you manage to nail him.  Near the chest, just slightly to the north is a small outcropping of rock in the water. This marks the location of a trench where the water comes about chest level. We dove in the water and once he locked on we returned to the trench and swan near the island. 

Using bows and remaining in this trench we shot him for ever and a day until he finally went to Davey Jones Locker. Once or twice he managed to get in the trench but we backed up on shore and then returned to the trench when he started to loose interest and wander away. (Remaining in the trench keeps his interest and he will swim about close to the area for as long as it takes. If you leave the trench for shallower water he looses interest and swims back to the ship.) Bless scrolls come in real handy here if you have happened across any.

Quests Originating here


Given by



Writ of Fate
Yrsa the Troll
Hut Kill the pesky Dragonfly
Writ of Fate
Yrsa the Troll
Unite the 6 clans of Chedian
Writ of Fate
Forad Darre
Destroy the skeletons to open the shipping lane

Verhoffin Ruins