
Walkthru & Strategy

Afterworld Map
Perception: 12
Lock Difficulty: 12
Trap Deadliness: 7
Treasure Level: 5
Creatures: Banshees, Clan Warriors, Zombies

Light the Six Fires of Penance

After speaking to Skraelos in the Hall of the Gods and agreeing to his trials to get the army back, he will teleport here (1) with you in tow.  Now you must face five trials in order to leave the Afterworld.

Trial 1 Admit Your Guilt

First you must admit your guilt to Skraelos and he sends you to the Jarls (J1-J6) to apologize for getting them killed. This isn't as terrible as you think it might be, they still have faith in you and consider you their friend. Once you have spoken to all 6 Jarls return and speak to Skraelos to begin the next trial.

Trail 2 Suffer

You are now told you must suffer. Your party becomes diseased while the Questioner asks you 8 questions. The answers are as follows:

  • "You, my lord"
  • "To serve you, my lord"
  • "We encouraged others to trust our misjudgment"
  • "We owe those we betrayed"
  • "We must pay the price of failure"
  • "The ultimate price, my lord. Our lives"
  • "Yes, my lord"
  • "Thank you"

Trail 3 Vengeance

You are now told to kill your Betrayer. Go out into the eastern part of the grassy area and do battle with Forad Darre and the Clan Warriors. When they are all dead return to Skraelos. (You aren't really killing anyone, Forad is still very much alive in Chedian, but the loot they drop is real.)

Trial 4 Collect the Jarl's Swords

Go to the battle site (2) and collect the Jarl's swords. They all have been driven into the ground and are standing upright. All have a black handle.  When you have the 5 swords return to Skraelos. At this point we had to face some undead creatures hovering about the battle site.

Trial 5 Enter the Inferno

He now tells you to enter the Inferno. A large pillar of fire (3) is on the path above Sven Forkbeard (J2). Take the path beginning near Sigmund (J4) and walk the perimeter of the valley until you come to the fire. Step into it and you will be returned to the Hall of the Gods.

We again faced undead creatures who actually followed us back into the Hall of the Gods. We had Wriaths stuck in the stairs of the Hall. So I think to avoid this little bug you should kill everything hostile in the area before actually leaving.

Once you are back in the Hall of the Gods speak to Skraelos for the final time. He tells you the army has been returned to you and that Sven is waiting outside for you.