- - - - - > ATTENTION: This site disappeared from the web when GeoCities went defunct on October 26th, 2009. Posted here with the author's permission. < - - - - -



Spell Level Information
Spell Book Locations
Wizardry 8 Links
Wizardry 8 in Europe

Class Related
Stats Explained
Power Bishop
Solo Spell-less Bishop
Suggested Class Stats
Dual Classing Guide

Chests and Drops
Chest Drops
Mob Drops/Pickpocket


Greetings all and welcome to my Wizardry 8 Resource site. Here you will find a great deal of useful information that is not always clear in the game, such as what the Close Combat skill really does, or what race makes a good rogue, or what items can appear in the Davy Jones Locker chest, or even how to develop the most powerful character in the game, the Faerie Bishop->Ninja. Take a look around. There is something for everyone here.

The information here is a mix of my own ideas, posts that I have collected over the past months, mainly from the Wizardry 8 Spoiler Boards, but also some of the various other Wizardry 8 sites, and finally submitted information from players. Credit is given when known, and if you feel anything is missing or should be added, please let me know.

XXXXX hits since March, 2008. Stats from March 2002 to March 2008 lost

Latest News
  • 12/09/03 - Its been almost 2 years since I started up this site, but its time to admit to my lack of interest in keeping it updated. The site will stay up, but it will never be updated again. Thank you all for your support, and I hope that this information serves you well.
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