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Wizardry 8 in Europe
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Searching for Wizardry 8 in Europe
Wizardry 8 was published in the United States and Russia, leaving many European gamers with no where to purchase the game. I had originally been advising people to search for an online retailer that will ship to Europe, but that can get expensive. A Wizardry fan living in Germany, had another suggestion.
I am an American living in Sweden. I bought Wizardry on eBay from a
private person in the US. I got a better price than the stores here (I
paid $35), but shipping took forever. eBay often has copies of Wizardry
available from European sellers, especially Germans. I have bought other
games from German people, and found the delivery to Sweden to be very fast
- I can't say about anywhere else. The easiest way to find a European
seller of anything on ebay is to limit your search to sellers from
Germany! Unfortunately, they almost always post in German, but
German/English speakers aren't so hard to find in Europe if you have some
friends and online translation is freely available.
The webstore were I found Wizardry in Sweden (for over $60) was Maybe they ship to other European countries, if
someone is really desperate and willing to pay that price.
Anyway, pass on the info if you think it is helpful.