- 7/14/02 - Checking in. Glad to see the site is still getting around a hundred hits a day. I have a few emails with updates, but I don't know when I will get them up.
- 6/15/02 - Nothing new, just keeping up appearances, hehe. As for updates, I am a gamer, and there are just too many new games right now. I will keep the site active, and maybe add some new material next time Wizardry 8 flashes onto my screen, but for now, this is it.
- 5/24/02 - I apologize for the lack of updates. I have been distracted by a little game called The Elder Scrolls III, Morrowind. It is the best roleplaying game to date in terms of graphics, world size, and amount of content. I have written up a small review with some screenshots for those that don't know what the game is or just want some eye candy.
- 5/6/02 - The Solo Spell-less Bishop guide has been updated a few times with minor changes. I am working on revising the site to make it more organized as well as adding a few new sections. Its easy to get around right now, but with the new sections its going to start getting cluttered. Everything on the site is still going to be one click away no matter where you are. If you would like to see something added, email me and I will work on getting it added. Currently I am working on:
Class Strategies
General Hints and Tips
Alchemy Prices and Hierarchy
- 5/3/02 - I have written up a guide to developing a solo spell-less bishop and posted it in its own section. Its long but it will help you to develop your ultimate character.
- 4/30/02 - Lots of links added today in various sections. First, the
Spell Level section has been updated with two new links, one is a link to a post made by Wizardry 8 Developer Alex Meduna, and it can be found on here. The other is a link to Wolfie's Wiz8SpellAbility Spreadsheet.
Wolfie's Wizardry 8 Info Site has been added to the Links section. Mage_77's Spell Location List is now updated with the most recent version.
- 4/27/02 - Updated the Downloads section with links to the Pre-Pickpocket Fix patch as well as the 12_23 patch, which is the most recent.
- 4/26/02 - A Wizardry 8 fan from Germany has sent in some tips for finding Wizardry 8 in Europe, and I have posted it in its own section. I have also added a small Links page.
- 4/16/02 - I have received multiple emails asking if there is a way to obtain a copy of Wizardry 8 in Europe, and if anyone has any solutions, I would appreciate it. I know there are some Internet retail sites who will distribute to Europe, but it can get expensive.
- 4/4/02 - I have added a Downloads section to the site, and the first file in it is the Combat Speeder program that speeds up the computer's actions in combat.
- 4/2/02 - mage_77 sent in a nice update for us today: an updated version of his Spellbook list, a nice clip about what the various sprites drop, and an update to the maximum gadgeteer skill required for gadgets, 95. Big thanks go out to him today.
- 4/1/02 - A few new Alchemy skill levels have been added thanks to Yondra from the Spoiler Boards. Keep em coming. A trick to use to get two Cane of Corpuses from the Don has also been sent in, and can be viewed here.
- 3/31/02 - Happy Easter All! A few emails have started to come in, which I greatly appreciate. If you feel something should be added that you can't find anywhere else, send in a request and I'll try to get it posted.
- 3/30/02 - Site Up