Trynton Trynton Upper Branches
Trynton Trynton Upper Branches
Rattkin Tree
Rattkin Tree
If you're afraid of heights, stay far from Trynton. The Trynnie live high in the massive trees native to this area. The Trynnie, who seem to have an affinity for nabbing anything not nailed down, now apparently have some competition from the masters of the 5 Finger Discount. It seems the Rattkin have followed the Dark Savant to Dominus and have set up shop in one of the Trynnie's most sacred areas of their tree home. Needless to say the Trynnie are none too happy about the idea and once the party travels to the area they will most likely get roped into a quest to save Trynton.
Trynton Upper Branches
Custom Item Ingredient: Hogar Tusk, Ring of Protection Custom Item Ingredient: Spider Silk, Spirit Staff
Instruments: Snare of Delay Gadgets: Orange Goo, Glowing Goo, Empty Bottles, Giant Magnet; Shiney Chrome Plate
Spellbooks: Detection, Healing, Portals