Trynton Upper Branches
1 Elevator to/from Trynton
2 Fuzzfas' Potion Palace: Fuzzfas, Vendor
Gadgets: Empty Bottles, Glowing Goo, Orange Goo
Mystery Potion, Ascension Quest
3 Trynton Sanctuary: Gooda Vines (2) needed to repair walkway at 16, Trynnie Quest
4 Spellbooks: Healing
5 Custom Item Ingredient: Spider Silk, 2 Giant spiders in the back room
6 Trynton Zoo: Misc. Quest
Gadgets: Shiney Chrome Plate
Metal Ball, T'Rang Quests
7 The Rising Elms: ZuZu flowers, Ascension Quest
Custom Item Ingredient: Spirit Staff, Willow Saplings live here
8 Big Blue Marble needed to open door at 10
9 Observatory: RPC Madras, Trynton Quest
Gadgets: Empty Bottle, Giant Magnet
10 Locked Door requires the Big Blue Mable from 8 to open
11 Floating Scounces
12 Seventh Bough, Ascension Quest
13 Pagoda Archives: Spellbooks: Portals
14 Pagoda Armory: Custom Item Ingredient: Spirit Staff, Oak Guardians guard chests here
15 Shaman Das, Ascension Quest
Custom Item Ingredient: Spirit Staff (Shaman drop, certain)
15a The Stone Idol found at Marten's Bluff  (#6) is used on the stone pedestal here to open the doors giving the party access to the Shaman at #15
16 Bridge here needs repaired using the merged gooda vines from 3, Trynnie Quest
F Fountain here asks a riddle, if answered properly party gains +5 Intelligence for all members, 1,000 experience, and Spellbooks: Detection
f1 Healing pool, use for +5 hit points
f1 Revitalizing pool, restores stamina
Rattkin Tree