Locations of Gadgets

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Bellows Ferro's Armory, Rapax Castle Main Level
Broken Blaster Crash site, Bayjin
Chisel Pathway from Mt. Wilderness to SE Wilderness
Doll Arnika in an abandoned house
Duct Tape Purchase at Anna's Shop, Arnika
Can be Pickpocked from Madras, Trynton Upper Branches
Hidden in Bayjin NE section near the cliff
Crate on Mt. Gigas Peak
Electric Lamp T'Rang house on the Arnika-Trynton Rd
Electrodes Purchase at Anna's Shop, Arnika
Empty Bottle Found lying around in several locations
Crate on Mt. Gigas Peak
Purchase from Fuzzfas, Trynton Upper Branches
Giant Magnet Observatory, Trynton Upper Branches
Glowing Goo Purchase from Fuzzfas, Trynton Upper Branches
Gunpowder Purchase from Kunar, Umpani Base Camp
Hinged Box Crash site, Arnika
Hose Old Mine Tunnels by Mine Cart shack
Large Prism Purchase at Crock's in the Swamp
Laser Pointer hidden in Sadok's room of Lower Marten's Bluff
Lazurite Stone South East Wilderness, Temple
Lightning Rod Chest in the Upper Monastery
Can be Pickpocked from Madras, Trynton Upper Branches
Long Metal Tube Sea Caves on the Beach
Magic Polish Purchase at Crock's in the Swamp
Magnifying Glass Library, Upper Monastery
Metal Belt South East Wilderness, Temple
Microwave Chip Microwave, Upper Monastery
Orange Goo Purchase from Fuzzfas, Trynton Upper Branches
Oscillator Locked room Lower Marten's Bluff
Pendulum Upper Rapax Castle, unlocked shed in the Zoo
Porthole Hidden on Marina Docks in Arnika
Pot with Hinge Upper Marten's Bluff near trapdoor, hidden
Ptorch Pit in the unexplored area of Mt. Gigas Caves
Scanner Town Hall (Mook Building), Arnika
Shiny Chrome Plate Crocodile Cage, Trynton Zoo, Trynton Upper Branches
Vacuum Pump Crash site, Bayjin
Vaporizer Chest in Bayjin (Single Sentry Hut)
Buccaneer Ghost drops, Bayjin Shallows
Voltage Amplifier Purchase at Crock's in the Swamp
X-Ray Chip Spaceport (upper level) Arnika