The Human-Elf War

The Human-Elf war breaks out as soon as you return the dwarves to King Hothfarr IX in Stone City.  You'll note he tells you he will spread word of your deed and issues a warning that others may take an interest in you now.
Upon returning to Harmondale to view the improvements of your castle your history book will flash and the news of the war will be recorded there.
In the throne room of your newly remodeled castle awaits two ambassadors, one from each of the warring kingdoms.  They each invite you to visit their Monarch. At last! You can finally get into Castles Gryphonheart and Navan and see some one of importance.
(Note the beginning of the war also signals the countdown to Judge Grey's death.  He is the current Arbiter in Harmondale.)
At this point you may visit either or both monarchs.  Queen Catherine in Castle Gryphonheart located in Steadwick the capitol of Erathia .  King Eldrich in Castle Navan located in the Tularean Forest .  Or you can simply ignore both and go on about your business.  If you choose to involve yourself,  there are rewards that can be gained if done in the allotted time frame of 4 months.
The following are the timed quests and a description of the options available to you.
1) Queen Catherine will ask you to rescue the spy Loren Steel from the Tularean Caves .  He is a prisoner of King Eldrich.  You have 2 options:   
(A) rescue him and return to the Queen to receive 5,000 gold in your bank account.
(B) Go to King Eldrich and tell him of what the queen has planned, he will give you a look alike to take back to Catherine.
2) King Eldrich will request you obtain a set of plans for Fort Riverstride in Erathia.  Again 2 choices: 
(A) Go to Fort Riverstride and steal the plans returning them to the King, again 5,000 gold pieces will be placed in your bank account.
(B) Tell Catherine and obtain a false set of plans to give to the King.
NOTE:  You can do both.  As long as you keep your mouth shut neither seems to know you helped the other or detects the replacements. You can get up to 10,000 GPs.  If you open your mouth.... Well go here to see your reward.
Variations: You may opt to obtain the real or the fake item, the spy or his imposter. You can do any combination, real plans/imposter or vice versa.  One thing to remember, if you accept the imposter, the spy will not be in the caves. Likewise, if you accept the fakes plans, the real ones will not show up. Choose wisely. (Monetary rewards are at the optimum if you do the real thing for both.)
3) If you assist Queen Catherine: Two months after the war breaks out visit the Tularean Forest.  A messenger from the human ambassador will present you with a message scroll.  
Gryphonheart Trumpet

The scroll tells you of an Artifact, the Gryphonheart Trumpet, that the elves stole from the humans ages past.  Information that the elves are moving this artifact to the Tularean Caves has been obtained and you are asked to assist in retrieving it. 
Once arriving at the entrance to the caves a large skirmish will break out and you may choose to become involved or not. Killing members of either side damages your reputation for that group and may require paying fines to keep you out of jail.
Once the skirmish is over, go to the chest now standing near the entrance to the caves and get the Trumpet. At this point your quest book entry states you are to give it to which ever side you choose, human or elf. 
Now the History Book entry at the end of the war states War Ends - ? Win.  The ? can be Elf, Human, or ..... 
Yes! There is a third choice, YOU!  Go to Judge Grey, the Arbiter in Harmondale and give him the Artifact for an experience bonus of 12,500 and honorable mention in the history book.
(If you ignore the entire situation the entry defaults to Humans.)