Castle Gryphonheart

Map of Castle Gryphonheart Strange place this.  You enter and traverse the hallway then meet a blank wall with stairs to your right or left, yet when you try to climb those stairs in search of the Throne Room the guards firmly turn you back.
Well being natually suspicious our goblin began to examine the wall in front of us.  Not surprising a Secret door was discovered.  And then, well, another wall with another Secret door.  Two Secret doors in a row is a bit of overkill don't ya think Catherine?  I mean you asked to see us after all!  (We learned later that the place was riddled with them.)
Catherine asks you to undertake a Quest involving rescuing one of her spies from the elven King.  Giving us some minor details she then shooed us out like little bugs. Hmph!  Wonder what King Eldrich would say.
This Castle is a seat of intrigue, and as such much revolves around it.  For instance William Setag wants you to kidnap a Girl, Alice Hargreaves, who resides in the southern wing in order to receive a promotion to Villian if you follow the Dark Path.  All in all a typical political situation.
Portrait desired by Ferdinand Visconti Also one Ferdinand Visconti would like the 2 Paintings upon the walls here to partially fulfill a Quest.
Portrait desired by Ferdinand Visconti
