Wizardry 8 Walk-Through

Northern Wilderness


The Northern Wilderness is simply a roadway to other locations. It has a couple of item-heavy locations (the ruins and the lake's island) and a nice waterfall but it's the two bridges - one leading to the Umpani Base Camp and the other to the Mountain Wilderness - that are important. For now take the metal, northern bridge to the Base Camp.

Gadgeteer Items: None
Special Items: None


Umpani Base Camp


******** This portion of the walk-through series is based on a choice of Umpani affiliation. If you wish to affiliate with the T'Rang see the walk-through entitled "Wiz8NorthAndTRangWalk.htm" or click here for on-line version ********

Speak with the private outside and then enter the fort. Head north down the street and enter the west building (recruiter and barracks). The barracks is a nice source for items but most of the lockers and chests are locked or trapped. When you're done there head over to the recruitment center and check out the maps on the tables - a small hint of what's to come. Take a deep breath and then speak with Sergeant Balbrak to enlist. He'll give you your Level 1 security pass and your first mission: train on the obstacle course. Check out the east building (where you can buy a flag for the T'Rang's first quest or belly up to the bar). Then continue north and enter the northwest building.

Speak with Rubble and enter the obstacle course. Carefully wend your way through the ramps, spikes, plank bridge, and the moving platform. Jump off on the other side and destroy the practice dummies. Open the door and get your reward. Ensure you pick up the Level 2 pass on the table. Go south to Balbrak in the recruitment center to report.

Balbrak asks for a T'Rang artifact. You should still be carrying that yucky T'Rang arm from Marten's Bluff - wipe off the ichor, give it to him and reap your reward. That was easy - and you got a Level 3 pass. Now head back to the commissary and use up your credit if you like. When you're done go north to the dark HQ building, use your pass, and enter the elevator. Take it up to the Mt. Gigas Caves.

Gadgeteer Items: None
Special Items: Flag, IUF Security Passes


Mt. Gigas Caves


This is an extensive cavern complex with some nice items, a couple of puzzles, and several new and dangerous areas and creatures. However, it is really nothing more than a "roadway" between areas. To go directly to the next level (Upper Mt. Gigas Caves) head south from the lower lift to the 4-way, go east and follow the winding tunnel around until you reach the Delta Hub. Now go south through the large room, go west at the T, enter the lift, and take it up.

Gadgeteer Items: High voltage transformer, ptorch, loudspeaker
Special Items: None


Upper Mt. Gigas Caves


You will spend some time here - it's the main Umpani activity "hub" - and there's lots to do. First, go north and take the east tunnel at the T, then go north, east at the next T, and stop at the lone machine sitting in the tunnel - it's the Service Panel. It's used to gain access to security doors within Upper Mt. Gigas. Touch it and follow its instructions. It breaks down immediately and you'll need to fix it. Walk around to its rear and reattach the wires (Hint: touch one at a time to avoid a nasty shock. Also, the first wire to repair is not the blue one and the green wire is not the last one). Once they're reconnected try the panel again. Head east and then east again through the 4-way to the Gunnery - its door is now open.

Here's your first chance to practice with a modern weapon. Once you've demolished the targets get more rockets from the room beyond the wire mesh. Now exit the Gunnery, go to the 4-way and then north to Covert Ops. Here your mission is to recover 5 flags guarded by 5 monsters. It's very straight-forward and not too dangerous. When done you'll get a level 4 pass. Head back down to the Umpani Base Camp for your next job.

Speak with Balbrak at the recruitment center. Your next mission is to hand-deliver a letter requesting an alliance with the Mook to their leader in Arnika. You can take two routes there - the land route via the Northern Wilderness and the Arnika-Trynton Road, or use the teleporter in the the Upper Mt. Gigas Caves to transport to the locked building on the Arnika Road and then take the Arnika-Trynton Road. Either one is fine.

Gadgeteer Items: None
Special Items: Rocket launcher, Mook invitation, security pass


Back in Arnika And Then Return To Mt. Gigas


Once back in Arnika head north to the Hologram House. Speak interactively and give the invitation. Then enter the Mook's Place and speak with Screg. Head west and switch the fake Astral Dominae (you're still carrying it, right?) with the real Chaos Moliri. If you do it right the guards won't attack. Walk out whistling and then conduct any other business you care to in Arnika. When done head back to Balbrak in the Umpani Base Camp. Report and get your new Level 5 pass.

Now head up to the Upper Caves, and make your way north to Ops or Base Command (they're the same area - just different doors [map]). You'll receive your next-to-last mission from the General - find some missing troopers. This is a long journey so prepare well. From Base Command go back south and east to the Service Panel, present your new pass, and, at the 4-way, go south to the Underwater Training Unit. Collect and equip (in the Misc. slots) enough scuba gear for your entire party and then enter the water. Swim down and enter the Mt. Gigas Water Caves.

Gadgeteer Items: None
Special Items: Chaos Moliri, security pass, scuba gear

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