Thjorad Mine
Part A
Perception: 8
Lock Difficulty:
Trap Deadliness:
4 |
Treasure Level:
Creatures: Troglodytes
The Dwarf Miners here will provide you
with clues and tasks that will resolve the problems they are having in the
mines. You will travel past many troglodytes in this section of the mine
and they have oodles of trash piled up that contain odds and ends. As usual,
disease can be a problem when trash picking.
Get the Mines Producing again
First start by speaking to Gudrek the Miner (2). He will mention a dangerous
spot and lead you to a cavern. Walk farther into the cavern and a cave in
(3) takes place dumping the party into a water filled area. Follow the passage
from this area to the breakable wall (4) and simply hit it to continue on.
To get past the other boarded up walls (5) simply pull out their bolts.
Make your back to Gudrek and speak to
him again. He thanks you for finding the fault. Now approach Njall Bjarnissen
(7) and speak with him. He tells you he needs Hjarrand Fixer to come and
fix the machine (6). Hjarrand lives in a house (5) in Thjorgard City. (See
Thjorgard City walkthru
on how to deal with him.)
After hiring Fixer return to the machine
and he will be there. Speak to him and he will tell you he has to look the
machine over and you need to come with him. Just walk around the side of the
machine where he walks about. He will "make his mark" on the machine, now
speak to him again.
Open the panel on the machine and take
the broken machine part. Speak again to Fixer and he tells you the last time
they needed a part they went to the Armorer. Go to the Armor Shop in the city
and speak to the Armor smith. He gladly trades you a working part for free.
Return this new part to the compartment and close the door. (Speak to
Fixer again for a little heartwarming conversation where you discover he
has gotten his job back and he's not such a grouch any more.)
Now return to the entrance of the mines
and speak to Ketil Strongpick (1). He tells you they have hit an impassable
wall and so begins your journey into Mine part
Side Note: To save a bit of time and running
about in this first part of the quest you can remove the broken machine part
before going to get Fixer. Just be sure to close the compartment. You can
also speak to him in Thjorgard after hiring him and get the info on the Armorer.
You can pick up the good part and bring it back to the mines with you. Just
do not place it in the machine until after Fixer does his thing and marks
the spot.