Lich Lab

Entry Level Walthru & Strategy

Lich Lab Entry Level Map
Perception: 17
Lock Difficulty: 17
Trap Deadliness: 9
Treasure Level: 5
Creatures: Dagrells, Floating Eyes, Ghouls, Liches, Skeletons

There are a couple of oddities on this level. A Target range (3) where opening a book shoots a bolt at some targets. I could not find any real purpose for this other than just goofing off. The other is a skeleton maker (2).

If you use the skeleton maker control panel the door to the skeleton maker closes, a peasant enters from the side and is then turned into a skeleton that will do battle with you. Its not good for much other than getting a bit of exp. And if you are in this place you should be at least level 30 so the exp from these creatures isn't a big deal for you.

Lich Promotion

You will need to do little bits and pieces on all three levels of this Lab in order to become a lich. On this level you just need to pick up the ingredients and jars (2) from the shelves in the storage room. Take one batch of ingredients and one jar for each member of the party who will be transforming. Once you have acquired them head to the Upper Level (1).