Lich Lab

Upper Level Walkthru & Strategy

Lich Lab Upper Level Map
Perception: 17
Lock Difficulty: 17
Trap Deadliness: 9
Treasure Level: 5
Creatures: Dagrells, Floating Eyes, Ghouls, Liches, Skeletons

There's another skelton maker (2) on this level for those who missed it on the Entry Level and would like to fool around for a bit.

Lich Promotion

Once you have collected the ingredients and jars from the Entry Level you will need to come to this level to read the instructions (3) and cook up the potions you need with the cook pot and burner (4) in the same room. Once you have made potions for each party member who will become a Lich head down to the Lower Level to for the final stage where your transformation will take place.