Altars & Wells

(permanent statistic modifiers)


Benefit / Location

Avlee +2 Endurance
Well by Armor & Weapon shops
Barrow Downs +10 Might & Endurance
Altar Upon a hillock in SW corner
Bracada Desert See below
Wishing Well by Ranger Lord (SE)
Deyja +10 Mind, Earth, & Body Resistance
Altar SW corner of map
Deyja +5 Fire Resistance
Well by Avalanche’s Home, NW
Deyja +2 Intellect
Well near the Tavern
Land of The Giants See Below
Wishing Well by Lasiter's Home

Emerald Island +2 Luck
  Well by Magic Guilds
Erathia +10 Luck
Altar  SE along the river
Erathia +2 Might
Well in the garden in Steadwick
Evenmorn Islands +10 Accuracy & Speed
Altar Southern most island
Harmondale +2 Accuracy
Well by Magic Guilds
Nighon +2 Personality
Well by the Tavern
Nighon +2 Skill Points
Well by the Temple
Nighon +10 Personality & Intelligence
Altar SW corner of map
Tatalia +2 Speed
Well by Fist’s Home
Tularean Forest +10 Water, Fire, & Air resistance
Altar SW corner on the edge
Wishing Wells are totally unpredictable and generate completely random effects on the party.  It makes no difference the day, date, month, or time you use them. These wells can do everything, give bonus skill points, add or subtract gold pieces, remove unnatural aging, as well as give temporary bonuses to stats & resistances.  
Use them at your own risk but it is highly advisable to save your game first. They can eradicate, kill, stone, curse, cause damage, and insanity.  Protection from Magic at GM level will negate the effects of eradication, kill, & stone but NOT damage, insanity or curse.
I have gotten as much as +10 skill points, up to 10,000 gold pieces, & up to +50 temp stat & resistance bonuses.  The higher numbers were found more consistently in The Land of The Giants.