Lord Markham's Manor

Lord Markham's Manor Well! I never! Use the Servant's entrance indeed! The nerve...  Just a little miffed here. Just who does Lord Markham thinks he is anyway? We ARE the Lords of Harmondale now and he could afford us a little courtesy.
As unpleasant as a visit here might be there are two reasons to pop in on the ole boy.
Thrush's Letter
First, Norbert Thrush of Erathia has a Quest for you to deliver a letter requesting a quill pen be returned to him for historical reasons.
Quil Pen
The second and most important reason for any Thief to visit here is for a Promotion assigned by Bill Lasker who resides in the Sewers of Erathia. If you have a spot of trouble performing this quest take a peek at the walkthru.
