Wizardry 8 Walk-Through
Upper Monastery
The first room you come to is the
Boxes Room. You can open some boxes by clicking on them and unlocking the
latches. From here take the west exit to the First Bunkroom. Search the room
then take the south exit to the Main Hall.
Take the east door to the Pool Room. Kill the monsters then head through the
south door to the Chapel. Speak with
the inhabitants. Afterwards, return to the Main Hall and take the
south exit. Go up the
wooden ramps to the Reading Room.
Open the chest to get the iron key. Head back to the Boxes Room.
Take the eastern exit into the Second Bunkroom, search it, open the eastern
door, and go to the Shiny Floor
Room. Plunder it and return to the Second Bunkroom and then take the south
This is the Hall of Meditation.
Enter the Snack Room, set the dial
to the high position and press the button on the microwave. Get the chip. Exit
back to the Hall of Meditation and use the iron key on the large eastern portal.
There are several bats here. Step fully into the room because you cannot cast
spells within the Hall of Meditation. After killing the bats climb the stairs
and open the chest. Go back down and set the dial on the machine to its highest
setting. Press the button. This loud sound breaks all of the glass within the
upper monastery.
Head back to the Boxes Room. Take the stairs up and search the
Balcony Room. Carefully walk out
through the broken window and drop down onto one of the boxes below. Then drop
down into the center of the boxes and open the remaining locked box. Use the
plank to exit the boxed area.
Go back to the Main Hall, take the south exit, and get the armor from the
now-broken case. Return to the Main Hall and head back up to the Reading Room.
Enter the Private Room through the broken glass panel. Get the fellowship pass.
Go down to the Main Hall and take the
west exit to the Road to Arnika.
Gadgeteer Items: Chip, magnifying glass
Special Items: Fellowship pass - used in Arnika