Wizardry 8 Walk-Through
You'll come out of the cave and must fight some Rapax. Search the island for items and head north o the lagoon portion. On the beach are three huts and some bad guys. Finish them off and explore the huts. Rescue Sgt Glumph and speak with the dying Higardi woman, Ja'nette; get her banner. In a nearby hut are several sets of scuba gear - equip all of your characters with a scuba set in one of their miscellaneous slots. Explore Bayjin thoroughly. At the wrecked spaceship obtain the black box and some gadget items. When you've swept the island clean go to the lagoon and enter the giant skeleton leading to the Shallows.
Gadgeteer Items: Broken blaster, vaporizer, vacuum pump
Special Items: Black box, helazoid banner (take to Temple in Arnika)
Bayjin Shallows
Move eastward and, at all costs, avoid Nessie. She's tough (very!) and a bit much for most parties at this stage. Keep close to the rocks and Hide and Shadow if you can. Make your way south along the western side southwards. Continue along the wall until you hit the southern air vent and zoom up to the tunnel. Follow it southeastward to the Sea Caves.
Gadgeteer Items: None
Special Items: Coral (used by Fero)
The Sea Caves
Map (Lower level)
Map (Upper level)
Take a breath of fresh, salty air as you exit the underwater gauntlet. On the beach turn first turn right (south) and enter the cave mouth (Cave 1 on the map). Search and find a Hook & Line. Exit this cave and go left (north) and curve around the point. Grab the sledgehammer and continue west. Ignore any cave mouths for now and continue southwest to the wrecked boat - get the plank. Just to the northeast is an cave entrance (it's a narrow, sandy path leading upwards - Cave 3 on the map) and take it up.
Break the brick wall with the sledgehammer but don't worry about the locked door for now. Instead head east and at the T go southeast. The smooth rock will slide you into a hole and drop you down a level. Rest and fully recover then continue. Examine the ceiling in the large open area, toss up the Hook & Line, and climb up into the Central Room. Fight a good fight and then explore the east exit. Click on the skeletons to fight ghosts and get items. Ensure that you obtain the Tomb Key and the Spike Boots (put the boots on one character). Return to the Central Room then head west.
Carefully walk down the rocky surface (the spike boots help) and as you near the crevasse ready the plank and click on the edge of the chasm. The plank is laid in place and you can cross. At the top of the small corridor is the door to Marten's Tomb. Use the Tomb Key to open it. Now ensure that a character with one open slot in his personal inventory is wearing the Helm of Serenity.
Marten's Spirit will greet you and provide the Destinae Dominus. Choose the "Helm character" when taking the Dominus. You party may all go insane but the Serenity Helm will quickly fix that (through resting). Marten will leave after giving you the Sea Caves Gate Key. Head back to the Central Room and then north, open the Sea Caves Gate, and exit the Sea Caves via the underwater route to the Bayjin Shallows. Head north to the open water and take the western air vent up. Follow this route back to Bayjin and then head to Arnika via the Swamp.
Gadgeteer Items: Long metal tube
Special Items: Hook & line, sledgehammer, wooden plank, Tomb Key, spike boots,
Destinae Dominus, Sea Caves Gate Key
In Arnika go to the spaceport and insert the good black box in the analyzer. Note the results and then take the elevator up in the next building. Insert Bobo's shiny ball in the mechanism and operate the tracker. "Track" using the X,Y,Z coordinates to determine the location of the Black Ship (10:24). Return to Z'Ant in Lower Marten's Bluff for your reward and final mission: destruction of the Umpani ship. Now head to the Umpani Base Camp.
Gadgeteer Items: None
Special Items: Used - black box (from Bayjin); tracking mechanism (from Bobo's
cage in Trynton)