Wizardry 8 Walk-Through
Rapax Castle Main Level
Note: In this Castle walk-through "stairs" usually refers to a steep ramp leading to the next level.
You will start in the Entry Hall. Take the left (west) exit and then go north into the Throne Room. Make an immediate left and take the west exit down. Go through the Dining Room into the Kitchen. Continue into the Storage Room and get the jar of Pickled Trynnie. Return to the Entry Hall and take the right (east) exit to the T. Go left (east) and then immediately south into the Smithy. Speak with Ferro and then give him the pickled Trynnie - get the Armory Key in return. Continue on west and step onto the metal elevator, click on the lever, and rise up. Use the key on the weapons closet. Clean it out, descend, and return to the Entry Hall. Again go west to the Throne Room and head up one of the ramps.
Seek out the Rapax called Surdan on the southwest balcony and speak with him. Say "Yes" to his question and he'll open the southwest gate. Enter the temple and speak with Al-Adryian. Return back to the southwest gate and then walk north to Saydin. Tell him Al-Adryian sent you, pay the fee, and enter. Walk to the pedestal and get the Initiate's Badge. Then go up the ramp and follow the red carpet. Prepare for some tough battles before entering the Pillar Room then walk forward toward the center light.
The floor will lower you into the First Testing Room. Walk to the far corner and click on the lever to open the gate to the Earth Elementals; kill them and then speak with Al-Asaiz. Her riddle's answer is "flesh" or "skin." This opens the small door in the central pillar. Step close to it and get the Robe. You will descend to the Second Testing Level. Fight the Water Elementals and speak with Al-Madeus; use "mind" as the answer; get the Helm and descend a final time to the Third Testing Chamber. Repeat the routine; fight the Fire Elementals; answer "heart" to Al-Lure's question and get the Dagger. Now take to teleporter in the corner back to the top Pillar Room. Return to Al-Adryian and receive some Dark Nectar.
Equip a male character with all three Canezou items, leave Al-Adryian, and go south and then west up the ramp to the gate. Use the Badge to open the gate, enter, and continue to the Altar Room. Go down a ramp and then up onto the Red Altar. Drop a flask of Dark Nectar there to call Al-Sedexus. Answer her questions with the exact answers you used with her handmaidens. Then answer "Yes" to the sacrifice question and click on the Canezou-equipped character. Afterwards the north gate opens; go through into the Book Room and speak with Al-Adryian. From here you can speak with/recruit Sexus in the west room, take the north portal to Ascension Peak (don't do it yet), or take the east exit back to the Throne Room. Go back to the Throne Room, head southwest, and take the southwest stairs/ramp up to the Rapax Castle Upper Level.
Gadgeteer Items: Bellows
Special Items: Pickled Trynnie - give to Ferro; Armory Key - get from Ferro;
Initiate's Badge; Canezou Items (3); Dark Nectar
Rapax Castle Upper Level
From the southwest stairs follow the corridor generally east. At the southeast stairs corner (going down) go north through the 3-Barrels Room. Continue north, then west past the Constable's Office and two north corridors. At the far corner go north up the ramp and continue until you arrive at the roof. Step up onto the Portcullis Platform. This raises the platform cage to the west and reveals a key which you can use later to open the portcullis if you wish. Go over there and get the key and then continue on in that corridor. Go north to the bluish corner, down east, left (north) and down east, north, right (east) and then up the steep ramp which leads to the Zoo.
Walk around the cage of scorchers (south) and take the bluish corridor. On the other side go to the small building - the Prince's Playroom - and pick the lock. Enter and walk behind the statue; click on the wind-up key, then walk to the front of the statue, click on the spear and watch the action. Walk over to the bed and jump into the chute. Once down get the King's Apartment Key from the table and exit the room.
Follow the Red Carpet. At the first T go right (north) and follow the carpet all of the way to the endpoint door - these are the Queen's Apartments. Enter and open the two gray doors. The one on the left has an inactive portal; the one on the right has some items - ensure you get the Queen's Deposit Slip. Exit these apartments and return down the carpet to that first T. Now go west down to the next door - these are the King's Apartments. Enter the Trophy Room and walk over to the Rack in the corner. Near it on the wall is a small keyhole - use the King's Apartment Key here to open the secret passage behind the Rack. Within is a portal to the Dark Tower near Arnika. If your party has the Set Portal/Return Portal spell use one now to Set a Portal. Then enter the Dark Tower portal.
Clear out the enemies within and examine the control panel for the bomb. Click on the square and then the triangle to defuse the world-wrecker. Once done you can do a Return to Portal, or, if you don't have this capability, use the elevator and internal portal to teleport to Arnika. Regardless of your route now make your way back to the Rapax Rift and kill Al-Sedexus within the El Dorado room.
If you did a Return to Portal spell you can get back to the Rapax Castle Main Level (and from there to the Rift) in this manner: In the King's Trophy Room cross the room to the King's Treasury alcove. Place the Queen's Deposit slip in the tube on the right side and then get the Queen's Key from the safe. Head back to the Queen's Apartments, enter and take the immediate west doorway. Use the Queen's Key on the gray door to get some nice items including an Ornate Metal Rod. You can use this rod to activate the black portal which leads to Arnika. From here exit the Queen's Apartments, take an immediate right (north) up the ramp, use the Queen's Key on the door, go through and follow the ramp up to the Prince's Playroom area. From here reverse the previous route to the stairs leading down to the Main Level. You can further explore the Castle (including the cellar; there are some nice items down there) but ensure you do head to the Rift and kill Al-Sedexus else your "sacrificed" character will be hexed throughout the remainder of the game. Then return to the Castle Main Level Throne Room.
From the Throne Room head back up the ramp to the Templar Temple, enter and go through the Initiate's Badge Gate back to the Book Room. Enter the portal to Ascension Peak when ready.
Gadgeteer Items: Pendulum (storage shed in zoo)