Wizardry 8 Walk-Through

Arnika-Trynton Road


Once past the signpost you will enter the Arnika-Trynton Road. A short distance to the south and then east is Arnika. Following the road further south you will see another locked building and meet several new types of monsters. You will also encounter Rattus Rattus who will offer you a job - accept or decline as you like. Continuing south you will eventually enter the Graveyard with its central Crypt. Search the skeleton outside on the steps for some items; also, if you pour some Holy Water on the hanging skeleton you'll receive a nice experience point bonus. Head back north and take the eastern road branch to Trynton.


Gadgeteer Items: None
Special Items: Mummy dust (found outside crypt) - can be used in Arnika Armor shop; skull - (found in crypt) - can be used in Arnika Armor shop


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