WIZ 8 BARD INSTRUMENT INFO - Last updated January 27, 2002

This list was contributed to by all the mad bards on the VN Board "Wizardry 8 Spoiler Board" (board: vnboards.ign.com/board.asp?brd=21210; thread: vnboards.ign.com/message.asp?topic=22590800).

Kudos to Elite_GdL, MornDrake, Auschten, Hallfax, started by vn_amastropolo (credits to Llevram) also with help from www.Mindflay.com's list (for Wiz 7 imports and number confirmation), www.wizardryrealm.com effect levels and prices (neither of these verified by me); several others also helped with various factoids. I'm Mike Fay (RedKnight7 @ VBN Boards) and at the moment am trying to keep this up to date. Post any corrections, additions, deletions to the thread or email me at mikestar@speedfactory.net. We are trying to keep the latest version on Jandrall's loot site (www.geocities.com/jandrall). Anybody is welcome to copy it around.

The numbers in parentheses show weight/music level/bard level. The letter before the spell effect indicates: a = area all around party; c = aimed cone extending out from party; i = one individual; g= one group; p = entire party. I am not sure why Wizardry Realm listed what appears to be an effect level, since it seems to depend on your bard, but I listed it anyway... they are all "3" except Angel's Tongue (Bless 1), Cornu of Demonspawn (Banish 1), and Soulful Sax (Soulshield 4). Note that Wizardry Realm has the text descriptions for all the instruments.

Angel's Tongue (horn 2.0/1/1) - p Bless 1 - $500 -
Upper Monastery (chamber south of Phoonzang chapel)

Arresting Aria (violin 3.0/60/11) - a Freeze All 3 - $550 -
House on Trynton-Arnika road (T'Rang teleporter)?

Banshee's Howl (bagpipes 4.0/60/11) - a Hex 3 - $20,000 -
Northern Wilderness (Battering Hogar cave, near bridge to Mtn. Wilderness)

Chaos Drone (bagpipes 4.0/75/14) - a Pandemonium 3 - $10,000 -
SE Wilderness?

Dulcimer of Mending (lute 4.0/60/11) - p Heal All 3 - $10,000 -
One in the House on the Arnika Road (through Umpani teleporter), another in Marten's Bluff.

Frigid Fiddle (violin 3.0/30/5) - g Freeze Flesh 3 - $4,500 -
Mt. Gigas caves restricted area, or Arnika-Trynton Road (Umpani teleport house)?

Hades Harp (harp 18.0/85/18) - i Cerebral Hemorrhage 3 - $45,000 -
Rapax Rift

Horn of Fear (horn 12.0/5/1) - g Terror 3 - $250 -
Swamp (Random loot in Crock's chest)? - (Mine has 29 charges??)

Infernal Horn (horn 2.0/90/18) - a Nuclear Blast 3 - $45,000 -
Rapax Castle (upper level?)

Jericho Horn (horn 2.0/45/8) - c Armormelt 3 - $7,000 -
Lower Martens bluff (on the side reached from the Mine Tunnels)

Mandolin of Magus (lute 4.0/30/5) - p Magic Screen 3 - $4,000 -
House on Arnika Road outside monastery (Umpani teleporter) or Marten's Bluff (at the Idol)?

Piercing Pipes (bagpipes 4.0/15/3) - c Shrill Sound 3 - $600 -
Monastery-Arnika Road (down a "side street" leading south; guarded by bandits)

Poet's Lute (lute 4.0/1/1) - g Sleep 3 - $100 -
Starting equipment and Arnika (buy from He'Li)

Renaissance Lute (lute 4.0/85/18) - i Restoration 3 - $40,000 -
Sea Caves - says "removes all conditions except death", but doesn't remove draining

Rousing Drums (drum 7.0/45/8) - p Haste 3 - $650 -
Swamp (log over entrance to Marten's Bluff)

Silent Lyre (lyre 18.0/30/5) - g Silence 3 - $5,000 -
Mine Tunnels (there are two of them in the Mine Tunnels)

Siren's Wail (horn 2.0/15/3) - g Insanity 3 - $4,000 -
Graveyard (in the Crypt)

Snare of Delay (drum 7.0/15/3) - g Slow 3 - $600 -
Trynton (from ground level: enter tree, go up, then take the down ladder that's due west)

Soulful Sax (sax 4.0/45/8) - p Soul Shield 4 - $800 -
Umpani Base Camp (on Saxx)

Strings of Seduction (violin 3.0/75/14) - i Turncoat 3 -
$15,000 - Bayjin (next to Jan-ette)

Succubus Song (lyre 18.0/70/14) - i Lifesteal 3 - $15,000 -
Probably Mountain Wilderness (Death Lord barrow) (need confirmation); maybe Sea Caves?

Viola D'Amore (violin 3.0/5/1) - i Charm 3 - $275 -
Arnika (He'li's Inn, first room)

*** Wiz 7 Imports ***

"Comparable" shows the almost-identical instrument in Wiz 8 (same music and bard level, just weight and looks are different). There is some controversy over whether some are importable; thanks to Auschten, Hallfax, and MornDrake, I think we have it straightened out.

Bullroarer (type? 1.0/45/8) - c Whirlwind 3 - $650 - Was once importable, but developers dropped it because it was too powerful

Chromatic Lyre (lyre 10.0/5/1) - c Itching Skin 3 - $300 - Always imports

Cornu of Demonspawn (horn 7.0/70/14) - a Banish 1 - $500 - SOMETIMES imports

Horn of Prometheus (horn 7.0/30/5) - Fireball 3 - $25,000 - SOMETIMES imports

Lute of Sloth (lute 1.0/15/3) - g Slow 3 - $1,500 - Comparable to heavier (7.0) Snare of Delay - Always imports

Lyre of Cakes (lyre 12.0/60/11) - p Heal All 3 - $50,000 - Comparable to lighter (4.0) Dulcimer of Mending - SOMETIMES imports. Note: Rasal swears he found this in Wiz8 (in addition to two Dulcimers), but can't remember where.

Pipes of Doom (bagpipes 8.0/5/1) - g Terror 3, 11% Paralyse - $2,500 - Comparable to heavier (12.0) Horn of Fear - SOMETIMES imports

*** END OF FILE *** heh