AtlusSeven So far, i've found Ninja characters to be kinda like "expert only" characters. Meaning, unless you have a very firm grasp on the strategies involved in Wiz8, you're better off NOT having one in your party. At least not your first time through anyway. Reason being because they have far too many skills that need to be beefed up in order for them to be on par with a similarly leveled Fighter-type. Spread your points too thin, and you're screwed. Every little point counts with a Ninja. Unlike in Wizardry 7, Wizardry 8 Ninjas ARE NOT TANKS! They flat out suck at the front lines. They do hardly any damage with their bare hands, they can't use most of the powerful weapons, and they can't wear any armor except the Ninja outfit (upper and lower garb, tabi boots, cowl). Ninjas are better off sticking to the back rows, letting the fighters absorb all the blows, and slowly picking off critters with Thrown Critical hits. If you want a martial art- type character in your front lines, you're better of picking a Monk. If you do decide to go with a Ninja, might I suggest concentrating on the following skills?-- --Stealth. Gotta have this skill HIGH. Every level up, add the max 3 points to it. The higher this skill, the better a Ninja's Armor Class. --Throwing. Screw Martial Arts or any other weapon. Where a Ninja really shines is his/her innate Auto-Penetrate Throwing skill. What this means is that as long as your Ninja hits with a thrown weapon, it'll penetrate the enemy's armor and do damage. You don't necessarily have to put a lot (or any at all) points into this skill on a level up, since you're Ninja will steadily get better by simply using the Throwing skill in battle. Also, thrown weapons might not do very much damage at all, but...... --Critical Kills--...he/she has access to this skill. Sure, you may only do 3-10 damage max with a thrown dart or shuriken, but if your Critical skill is high enough, more than half of your hits will instantly kill an opponent. I can't tell you how many times my Ninja has thrown a dart for 1-5 damage and instantly killed some 200-500 HP monster in one shot. She's saved me from soooooo many tough encounters it's not even funny. Always ALWAYS pump the max 3 points into this skill on level up. --Ranged Combat---To suppliment your Ninja's awesome Throwing skill. Pump at least 1 or 2 points every level up into this skill. As far as your Ninja's attributes go, beef up his/her Speed, Dexterity, and Senses. You can pretty much skimp on everything else since they're not crucial to the Ninja's Throwing + Critical Kill combo that you want to get going on. Also, don't waste your points on spells unless you don't have any other competent spell casters in your group. Again, you need to concentrate your points on Throwing, Criticals, Ranged Combat, and Stealth to get the most out of the Ninja character. One last note--Remember to keep a thrown weapon in each of your Ninja's hands. Divvy up your Darts, Shurikens, Throwing Knives, etc if you have to. That way you'll throw at least twice each round, doubling your chances of scoring those coveted Instant Kills. As long as you're very patient and determined, as well as cautious about where you spend your points on level up, your Ninja can put most other characters to shame. In summary-- 1)--Every level up, pump 2 points into each of the following Statistics-- Dexterity, Speed, Senses. 2)--Every Level up, pump 3 points into Stealth, 3 into Criticals, 1-2 into Ranged Combat, and any left over into Throwing. 3)--Keep a thrown weapon (ie--Darts, Shurikens, Throwing Knives) in each hand. 4)--Keep your Ninja in the back lines away from danger. Hope this helps. ^_^ Alantus The comment above might be true about the ninja working good for expert only, don't know if I'm an expert but I have played far far too much wizardry 6 and quite a bit of wizardry 7. My ninja is working great. Slow starter for the first 5 levels or so but that was expected. Faerie ninja that is practically naked standing in the front row and doing most of the killing (alchemist will soon overtake him for the lead in kills however). I just pump speed and dex each level and pump martial arts, instant kills and stealth skills. Mostly I hear him say "I don't mean to brag but Damned I'm good" over and over again. His only problem was running out of stamina all the time and that problem has pretty well worked itself out by now, by the time the alchemist has cast acid bomb, ring of fire and whipping rocks most everything is dead and there is no need to hit them with blinding flash or they will run away from the ring of fire, that leaves the alchemist free to cast stamina if needed. Works good for me, incarna Purely my opinion on Ninja and Monk but, for me, a huge part of the fun of Wizardry is all the neat items I get to find and experiment with. Having characters that do best bare handed kinda takes away from that fun for me. So I decided no ninja or monk for me this time. zzled Just a little amendment to the otherwise brilliant earlier post by AtlusSeven on the Ninja. You shouldn't pump any points into Ranged Combat until you've maxed Throwing AND Dual Weapons. Yep. Sad but true... the Ninja uses the Dual Weapons skill when throwing two weapons in the same turn. Furthermore, you get the most accuracy bonus when boosting Throwing, a little less when boosting Dual Weapons, and much much less when boosting Ranged Combat. Ions The throwing skill is very important for the ninja. Instant Kills left and right. As well as with barehands. The bad thing is, the darts/shruikens/throwing knives are seldom found and when you throw 2-4 of them per round. It adds up quickly. His hand to hand is somewhat weak in comparison to a class based around weapons and melee, but he does very well with what he has. I would have to have atleast a monk or ninja in my party. Melee is MUCH more important in the real game than in the demo. karlmarx9001 I just confirmed with hex editing that the ranged combat skill for a ninja isn't all that hot. You want to dump all your points into dual weapons, throwing, and critical first; throwing gets you extra attacks, and dual weapons lets you use those extra attacks while throwing with both hands. Criticals are the entire reason for the class, of course. The ranged combat skill just gives you a few points of attack rating and an extra swing after you've leveled up for a while. Throwing + Dual, by comparision, gives you 2 attacks/2 swings in the first hand and 2 attacks in the second. TunaresChampion I started my party with a Ninja, 'cause I wanted to have the same abilities
I had in W7 (Importing the End-SaveGame from w7 sucked imho). He hit so
crappy with his bare hands that I decided to buy him a Dai-Katana in Arnika.
Well, that was fine then... but I always had a strange feeling that hands&feet
have to be good for something... *fg* well I gave it a try again when
my Ninja reached Level 6... and look what happened... 3 to 4 attacks per
round with 50% of it double attacks... with about 2 to 10 damage / hit
(sums up to an average of 30 to 35 damage / round). And with his AC...
well mine IS a tank Just keep spending skill points into critical and
hand&feet. just my 2 copper segorn If you want a melee martial arts character use a monk, they get criticals too and have innage damage resistance so they can tank a bit better than a ninja. If you're going to play a ninja, you may as well use its unqiue skills, and those are twofold. 1) Ninjas have great criticals and thrown effects. 2) Ninjas have access to a number of cheap weapons with 5% kill on them if you want to melee. Hardwarezone Hey zzled or anyone else, Can pls confirm that Dual Weapons works with throwing with 2 hands? I already started playing my Ninja and is now in Arniki. He is a bit crappy up til now, only perform his critical strike once but I am keeping faith in him. Darts,Throwing Knieves and Shiruken runs out qiuckly. (Correct me if wrong) Slings and bullets are considered throwing skill. vn_Marauder2 At level 10 my ninja started throwing multiples with both hands. Kinda cool. KinjoRyu Hardwarezone, You ARE wrong... about the slings & bullets being thrown weapons. They are not. Sling&Bullet Stones are considered RANGED ATTACKS or LONG RANGE ATTACKS. They are in the same category as Bow&Arrows. According to what's been said previously, Ninja's criticals applies ONLY to THROWN Weapons and Melee Attacks. But I don't want this to be true. I want my ninja character to also possess Critical Strike with LONG RANGED ATTACKS as well such as Bows&Arrows. Can anyone confirm this? I don't have the manual with me at the moment... (I am in school) zzled To be precise, it's not that Dual Weapons 'works' with two thrown weapons. It's that you get penalized for a low Dual Weapons Skill if you're throwing two weapons. It works something like this: (Ranged Co