Best race for Gadgeteer
Jandrall Note: the subject of the topic is Gadgeteer and Bard but only the Gadgeteer is focused upon. They way the Gadgeteer is concentrated on ranged weapons dont translate well to the Bard who is much more varied in its use. Bochser The slightly eccentric Gadgeteer (at least that's what they are in my mind.) Anyone ever play Dark Cloud for the PS2? That moon rabbit guy reminds me of Gadgeteers, maybe because their guns look so similiar? Well anywho, off we go again. Stats needed for Gadgeteer: STR 45 INT 55 DEX 60 SEN 55 Stats in order of importance: PIE isn't on here for the obvious reason, it doesn't help any of his skills and he doesn't use magic. STR isn't either because STR doesn't help the Gadgeteer do more damage with his omnigun (At least it didn't help my Gadgeteer?) so the only thing it'd be good for is more stamina and carrying capacity, but there are more important things to consider DEX and SPD for more attacks and better initative. SEN so he'll hit better with his Omnigun and even better still if he gets Eagle Eye. VIT to help with HP's and Stamina since his gadgets use stamina. And INT because it helps a lot of his skills. Human 25 9/7 Stats after bonus points: Human 69 54 62 45 55 Level at which stats would max out: Human 12 17 24 35 39 All stats: Hobbit, Mook, Human, Gnome, Felpurr, Faerie, Elf, Dracon, Rawulf, Lizard, Dwarf. Once again we have the Hobbit in first place, followed by the Mook. All except INT: This time without the INT the slow Lizardman is first, followed by yet again, the Hobbit. All except VIT and INT: And again...the Hobbit and Mook. Total stat points at creation (SPD, DEX, SEN, VIT, INT and bonus points):
Anyone else picking up a theme here? The Hobbit. Going from the charts the obvious choice would be the Hobbit. However if you want slightly more VIT and sacrafice some SPD then the Mook wouldn't be a bad choice. If you want to start with a little bit more SPD and sacrafice some VIT the Felpurr makes a good Gadgeteer as well. And let's not forget the Gnome (Like we've been doing thus far) he might start with way less SPD than most races, but his other stats are comparable and his resistance against Mental would really come in handy (I hate it when my people go crazy.) I really think there is a tie here. The Felpurr maxes out SPD before the Hobbit and is only 1 level behind the Hobbit in DEX, INT, SEN and VIT. He starts with 10 less VIT but makes up for it with his resistances (Again the +10 to Mental really helps, as does Air and Earth) while the Hobbit just has Earth Resistance. The Hobbit however has more VIT and his stats are more balanaced throughout his career.