Bochser: Best race for the BISHOP


Date Posted: 12/18 10:10am Subject: RE: Best races for different classes

The all around magic using Bishop. I think we'll all agree INT and PIE are the most important stats for the Bishop. The rest of the stats...I'm sure you'll disagree with me on


The first two are obvious. The reason I chose SPD next was because it helps with AC which the Bishop will need due to their low HP, and Initative, which will help let the Bishop go first and cast his devastating spells before the monsters. VIT before SEN because VIT starts giving you more HP with each point you put into VIT, while SEN just helps the Bishop with Initative, with more VIT you'll have more health to surive against melee and magical attacks. The reason STR and DEX aren't on here is because they are almost useless for the Bishop. STR would help you do more damage when you attack but how often are you going to do that with your Bishop? Chances are very little and even if you did pump STR it wouldn't make that big of a difference. DEX just helps with to hit, attack rating, and more swings, again all pretty much useless because he'll be casting spells most of the time. When DEX is maxed out you'll get Reflextion but you'd have to wait until you have 100 DEX, then you'd have to wait until Reflextion gets a few points in it before you'll see any difference.

Stats needed for Bishop: INT 55 PIE 55 DEX 55 SEN 55

First field is race obviously, second is Bonus Points at creation, and third is the max number of points you can put into 2 stats and the last number is the max number of points you can place in a third stat.

Human 20 7/6
Elf 30 10
Dwarf -10 0
Gnome 25 9/7
Hobbit 15 5
Faerie 25 9/7
Lizard -40 0
Dracon -15 0
Felpurr 10 4/2
Rawulf 15 5
Mook 5 2/1

Stats before bonus points:

Human 55 55 45 45 55
Elf 55 55 45 35 55
Dwarf 55 55 35 60 55
Gnome 55 55 30 50 55
Hobbit 55 55 50 45 55
Faerie 55 55 60 30 55
Lizard 55 55 50 70 55
Dracon 55 55 40 60 55
Felpurr 55 55 60 35 55
Rawulf 55 55 40 50 55
Mook 55 55 35 50 55

Stats after bonus points:

Human 62 62 51 45 55
Elf 65 65 55 35 55
Dwarf 55 55 35 60 55
Gnome 64 64 37 50 55
Hobbit 60 60 55 45 55
Faerie 64 64 67 30 55
Lizard 55 55 50 70 55
Dracon 55 55 40 60 55
Felpurr 59 59 62 35 55
Rawulf 60 60 45 50 55
Mook 57 57 36 50 55

Exp level at which stat would max out:

Human 14 14 30 32 45
Elf 13 13 28 35 43
Dwarf 17 17 38 31 46
Gnome 13 13 34 30 45
Hobbit 15 15 30 33 45
Faerie 13 13 24 37 39
Lizard 22 23 39 33 49
Dracon 18 19 38 33 49
Felpurr 15 15 28 37 43
Rawulf 15 15 33 32 47
Mook 16 16 37 32 47

That would give us the Faerie at the top with the Elf behind by 4 levels.

All Stats:

Let's take a look at the Bishop stats without SEN.

All except SEN:

That would give us the Human and yet again the Hobbit at the top two, with the Elf and Faerie in the middle.

If having your Bishop with a lot of VIT and SEN isn't your fancy then it'd look like this.

All except VIT and SEN:

Once again the Faerie comes out on top with the Elf in second. All in all I'd take the Faerie anyday although it can be a pain with their even stricter armor restrictions and low carrying capacity. However their faster spell point regeneration and natural 2 AC usually makes up for this.

Like most of us already figured, the Faerie or Elf make the best Bishops. Although if you're going for an all hobbit party theme they wouldn't be too bad...


Actually for bishops I agree with you wholeheartedly. INT and PIE foremost, then SPD because initiative for spellcasters is paramount when you're facing powerful enemy casters.


Gotta disagree with the part on vitality. With a Bishop it's possible to be a master of 4 schools of magic. Alchemy requires dexterity, and Psionics require senses, so it makes more sense (no pun intended) to pump either dexterity or senses over vitality. I would go for senses because it influences the extremely useful Psionics school, and increases initiative.

With high initiative you'll be able to cast spells like Guardian Angel, Element Shield, Soul Shield or crowd control spells before enemy spells start to fly.


Trust me Shoujo I had a huge debate with myself over which is more important for a Bishop, SEN or VIT (I think I won the debate though! Even though my opponent was tough.)

While it's true DEX helps raise the Alchemy skill and SEN helps raise the Psionics skill, the Bishop always starts with 55 in each stat. And since you'll be casting so many spells those skills will raise extremly fast all on their own. I haven't touched my Bishops SEN or DEX and on level 15 they are around 87 each. That's not too shabby considering the max is only 13 away. So other than helping to raise Alchemy faster DEX is pretty much useless, and considering Alchemy raises fast on it's own just through using spells it's not as important as other stats.

When it comes to VIT vs SEN I broke it down like this. As I mentioned earlier SEN is always going to be 55, which would be .2 X 55 = 11 init. He'd be missing out on 45 X .2 = 9 init. Considering he'll have at least 20 init with max SPD and 55 SEN another 9 isn't going to help too much as compared to VIT for one main reason. That reason being that no matter how fast you get your guys there are some monsters out there that are just gonna go first, this is where keeping your Bishop alive would come in handy.

Let's compare a Faerie Bishop with max VIT at level 25 and minimal SEN, and a Faerie Bishop with max SEN and minimal VIT at level 25.

The SEN Bishop would have an extra 9 init with the 45 more SEN while the VIT Bishop would have an extra about 200 HP's with the 70 more VIT. This is still based on Karlmarxs post that each point in VIT gives .125 HP/level. While that seems to be pretty accurate for a lot of my characters it really breaks apart with my Fighters and my Faerie Bishop. Only thing I can think of is race plays a factor in it too. This extra health will help keep him alive from physical and magical attacks. Another thing to consider is if you manage to max out VIT you'll get Iron Skin, reducing the amount of physical damage he'll receive, and with max PIE he'll have Iron Will reducing the amount of magical damage he'll receive.


The thread inspired me to do some analysis of my own.

According to your previous analysis, and taking into account only the relevant stats, the total number of stat points is:

Fighter (STR+SPD+DEX+VIT+SEN+Bonus):
Human 285
Elf 265
Dwarf 280
Gnome 270
Hobbit 300
Faerie 270
Lizard 310
Dracon 295
Felpurr 295
Rawulf 280
Mook 285

Lizards are the way to go, but check out #2... Hobbits! Which confirms the previous analysis. Dracons suffer a penalty to divine and mental, and felpurr to water. I'd rather have a character paralyzed than insane. The breath thing of the Dracons is a non-issue for me, since it does not improve any skill when used

Samurai (SPD+DEX+STR+SEN+VIT+Bonus):
Human 275
Elf 260
Dwarf 255
Gnome 270
Hobbit 285
Faerie 270
Lizard 280
Dracon 275
Felpurr 280
Rawulf 255
Mook 280

Hobbit Samurai is the way to go. Lizards turn out surprisingly good, but the penalties to Divine and Mental drop them a spot to 4th. Cats don't like water, so they drop to 3rd. Mooks stay on 2nd.

Bishop (INT+PIE+SPD+VIT+SEN+Bonus):
Human 275
Elf 275
Dwarf 250
Gnome 270
Hobbit 275
Faerie 280
Lizard 245
Dracon 250
Felpurr 270
Rawulf 270
Mook 255

Faeries rule (doh!). Humans/Elves/Hobbits share 2nd place. Humans have no resists, so they'd drop to 3rd place in this case.

Hobbits are back in Wiz8 with a vengeance. They're the most well-rounded race in the game, with above-average stats on everything. Whatever profession you choose, you can't go wrong with a Hobbit. I'll have to try a Hobbit Valkyrie!

I never played Hobbits in other RPGs. It seems I'm going to have a 6-Hobbit party in Wiz 8, though