(Plural Name)
Rattkin Sniper
(Rattkin Snipers)
UnId Name
(Plural Name)
Level 6 13 14 15
Race Ranger
Exp 18,188
# in Group 2d2+1, (3-5)
Appears With 100% Rattkin Goon
Hit Points 8d10+105, (113-185)
Stamina 10d15+180, (190-330)
Str 60
Int 50
Spd 75
Dex 85
Pie 90
Special Abilities n/a
# of Attacks 1*2
Attack 1 Short, <Punch>
1d6 (1-6)
Attack 2 n/a
Attack 3 Long, <Shoot>
Willow Arrow
1d6+2 (3-8)
1% Kill
1% Blind
Head 50%
Body 20%
Legs 20%
Hands 5%
Feet 5%
Spell% 0%
Spells n/a
Fire 90%
Water 90%
Air 90%
Earth 90%
Mental 75%
Divine 75%
Damage 0%
Immunities none
Treasure Drop 80% Rattkin Drop Archer