Upper Rapax Castle
1 a-c Stairways to/from Rapax Castle Main Level at their corresponding points
2 Stairway to/from the Rapax Zoo at its corresponding point
3 Step on elevated emblem to raise dumbwaiter at 5
4 Portcullis blocks passage to the south
5 Dumbwaiter with the Portcullis Key, step on emblem at 3 to raise it
6 Constable's Office, Rapax Quest
7 Warroom, accessed from Rapax Zoo area, Prince's Playroom
8 King's Chambers
9 Strange Mechanism, use deposit slips here, Rapax Quest
Secret wall to the south is one way into the hall
10 Teleporter to the Savant's Tower in Arnika; access is by using a key on a very tiny keyhole on the east facing wall of the King's Chambers
11 Spellbooks: Superman
12 Queen's Deposit slip use at #9
13 Teleporter to Arnika Temple
c Chests: chest in the alcove near 13 is the Queen's Chest containing Spellbooks: Dark Hound, Heal All, Purification, Souls, Superman, Toxic Cloud
G Guard Barracks
S Servant's Quarters