Mountain Wilderness Retro Dungeon
Party arrives at #1
All numbered "Faerie Rings" teleport the party to its corresponding # (number) on the map.
Maximum door lock tumblers is 8 that will impede party progression through the dungeon. 
Custom Item Ingredient: Plumed Serpent Feather. Plumed Serpents are in the room with Faerie Ring #4

Monster List

Below is a list of all the "set" monsters in the dungeon. It does not include random spawns as they are entirely dependent on party level.
Anthracite Golems Plumed Serpents
Burning Heads Rapax Ghosts
Gibbering Heads Vampiric Heads
Vampiric Wraiths

Item List

Below is a list of items that will be found in the dungeon. Misc. Items have random amounts so you can get as few as 1 and as many as 5 in a stack of the bags, potions, and powders, however any bombs or canned elementals will always be 1.  Occasionally some Misc. Items appear in more than place in these dungeons and is indicated by (#) where # equals the number of occurances.
Armor & Shields
Weapons & Ammo
Potions & Powders
none Bonebasher Staff Cure Disease
Doublestrike Dagger Eye for an Eye Potion
Strong Bow Hv. Heal
Chameleons Sword of Fire Magic Nectar (3)
Death The Ripper Potion of Haste
Thunderstick Renewal Potion
Skeleton Powder
Canned Elemental
Death Bomb

And of course, Nedbar's Amulet. As soon as you kill her that is. 
The "jackpot" room contains both Spellbooks.