Cobaltine Powerglove

To Hit: +2 Weight:  6.0
Init: +2 Max Charges: 20
Damage: 8 - 32 Value: 85,000
Equippable Primary Weapon
Attack Range Long
Attack Modes Shoot
Ammunition Solar Powerpaks
Bonus  2X vs Robot
Special Attack Paralyze 25%
Kill 5%
Restrictions none
Resistances none
Cursed Status not cursed
Profession Fighter, Lord, Valkryie, Ranger, Rogue, Gadgeteer
Races All
Arifacts Skill to Identify: ?
Arifacts Skill to Use: n/a
Purchase n/a
Set Location n/a
Set Chest n/a
Random Chest n/a
Set Drop Dark Savant
Random Drop n/a
Import No
Although the DS drops this in the Cosmic Circle final battle you never get a chance to pick it up or use it.