Custom Items

Some vendors on Dominus will create Custom Items. These items normally require gathering specific items from set locations or random monster drops. Select the custom item from the list to the left and the folloing information will load in this window:
  • Item Name, stats, graphic
  • Vendor who makes the Item
  • Location of the Vendor
  • List of ingredients, their graphic, and information on where they can be found.
Please note that random monster drops means just that. The locations that each page contains will be linked to their respective map and listed in one of two ways:
  • Map Name #x: where #x = the location on the map and its reference. This means the monster will always be around that location when you first arrive in the map. 
  • Map Name: Will link to maps where the monsters, who have no "set" location, are most likely to appear from time to time.
Note: Many of these monsters will show up randomly in maps other than what is listed here, but it is so dependent on Party level that it would not be feasible to list all locations.

Random drops do not always occur. Some monsters tend to always drop the item, while some others may not drop the item even after several encounters. 

All ingredients will have a "Chances" rating indicating how good the possibility is of obtaining the item. If the chances rating is "Set" it means the item will always be in the designated location.

(Bear in mind the chances rating only pertains to the chance of the drop, not the chance of finding a monster in a non-set location.)