Wizard's Lab

Walkthru & Strategy

Wizard's Lab Map

Perception: 8
Lock Difficulty: 8
Trap Deadliness: 5
Treasure Level: 4
Creatures: Demon, Evil Sorcerers, Floating Eyes, Sea Monsters, Skeletons, Winged Mutants

There really isn't much left to explain in a walkthru since the POIs really explain it all for this place. Chiefly this will address some interesting things you may want to peek at while you are here.

Take the purple teleporter in order to witness the summoning of a Demon. Its a nice little cut scene.  You can participate or step back through the teleporter and watch the show. These teleporters won't take you any where until you select a colored pillar so it is a safe spot to hang out and watch.  If you need to exit quickly select any pillar and step forward and you're outta there.

Read some of the notes hanging on the wall. they are quite comical. For instance one refers to putting "froggies" in the bath. As it turns out "Froggies" are sea monsters and they are in the watery area of the Green teleporter.

Kill a Dragon

For the last leg of this quest, aside from actually killing the dragon that is, you need to use the yellow teleporter and grab the Saint's Relic off the table in the room indicated. There's a crystal ball sitting on the table too so spotting this artifact is pretty difficult. Its not hard to pick up though just click on the table and you have it.

Orb of Learning

To get the Orb of Learning for Ealusaid A'Norta in Thronheim City use the blue teleporter and speak to Robinssen, Of course you may want to dispatch all the winged mutants so you can converse without interruption.

Exit to Yorwick
+5 Spell Points (limited)
+5 Dark Resistance Permanent
+5 Hit points (limited)

Travel through the lab is done via teleporter. You can actually walk through a teleporter and go no where until you press one of the 5 colored pillars located just behind each teleporter. "Use" the teleporter by clicking on the colored pillar for the area you wish to visit and then walking through it.

Blue Teleporter
Cabinets with teleporters that reciprocate between rooms
Green Teleporter
Lever Bank which opens cell doors in the area
Purple Teleporter
Quest Item - Saint's Relic (look closely on the table its tiny)
White Teleporter
Yellow Teleporter