Verhoffin Ruins

Walkthru & Strategy

Verhoffin Ruins Map

Perception: 0
Lock Difficulty: 0
Trap Deadliness: 1
Treasure Level: 4
Creatures: Banshees, Skeletons, Zombies

Mage Promotion Quest

Those here for their promotion quest will need to make their way to a key (7) in order to open the door (4) to the room where the book (8) you are seeking is kept. Which is a whole lot easier said than done. The Terrors here are a royal pain in the backside. Even at GM levels our Priest wasn't able to Turn them.

If you happen to get nosey and turn one of the flood wheels in the Valve Wheel Room (5) beat it back into the adjoining room and push the button (B) low on the wall to release the flood waters so you don't drown. Unless of course you need to die to gain entry to Arslegard. Also watch out for ambushes (1), Skeletal Warriors and Masters tend to fall from the ceiling around here.

Since there is a wee bug that occurs later in the game you may just want to head straight to the little channel of water and jump in to cross over to the area you need get to. The Barred Door (2) tends to respawn as barred but has no bar to break when you return for the Writ of Fate quest. It isn't game stopping just annoying.

Writ of Fate

If you have the Capstone of Order the door (3) by the pentagram will now be open to you. Place the Capstone on the Pedestal (3a) and turn around to pick up your Writ off the table behind you. Time to die again. May I suggest the water filled trap? Too painful, then how about the Valve Wheel Room?

3) The door has a Pentagram on the floor and this acts as a lock for the door. In the ruins is a piece of paper that is a clue as to the color combination of this lock. It hints at it and is the only clue with colors in it.

The following info was graciously provided by Spinner:

You need to walk the around the pentagram in the following order: Red to Yellow to Blue to Green to Orange.

I would also advise standing to one side before you open the door (as a trap fires straight through the doorway when the door opens). Same advice goes for exiting the room.

The room has three Banshees in it.

Thank you Spinner.