Ruined Temple

Walkthru & Strategy

Ruined Temple Map
Perception: 10
Lock Difficulty: 10
Trap Deadliness: 6
Treasure Level: 3
Creatures: Dagrell, Skeletons

The Genie (G) here is very grateful to you if you set it free and offers you a choice of:

5,000 Gold

1,250 Experience (per party member)

Attribute Boost +10 to a random stat

1 random piece of the Fre Artifact Set

Hint: Take the item if you are going to have a Priest in your party.

Priest Promotion

The person desiring the Priest promotion will want to make their way to the Tree of Life (4).  Getting there will take some finagling around. Be sure to rub the Genie Lamp at some point, he seems to always give an item in the Fre Artifact Set if you elect to take an item.

Make your way through the rooms until you reach the cave in point (1). This cave in is of no real concern since you need to go forward to make any real progress. In the next room there is a pedestal (2) with a button on top of it. It is actually an elevator.  Each side of the pedestal has an emblem on it. The walls to either side have emblems on them as well.  Press the emblem on the wall that matches that side of the pedestal then press the button on top of pedestal to descend.

You will make your way to a room with a coffin (3b), ladder, and wooden doorway. Press the button (3a) on the door jamb (lower right hand side as you face it) and the large block hanging above the coffin will drop onto it breaking it apart. Hop into what is left of the coffin then shoot the floor out.

Eventually you will end up in a room with barrels and a winding pathway back up to the doorway where you pressed the button. It is a double door opening first to a small chamber where the Tree of Life is kept, then the other door opens back into the room with the coffin. Proceed up the ladder and head for the stairway leading back to the top and the exit through a door (5) that only opens from this side.

There is an odd barrel and crate in the room with the stairwell. You can push them all over the room and into the adjoining rooms. I tried positioning them and jumping on them to see if we could discover anything of interest, but so far we are at a loss what to do with these oddities. I keep thinking they must some how be related to that crack in the ceiling of the room they are in, but to date I haven't been able to accomplish anything more that banging ours heads on the ceiling.