
Lindisfarne Monastery Map
Perception: 7
Lock Difficulty: 7
Trap Deadliness: 4
Treasure Level: 3
Creatures: n/a (Monks if you get them mad)

Abbot Leffery Caid (1) is involved in three different quests you might acquire in your travels.

Priest Promotion

Those of you seeking out a Priest for the Guberland Temple to complete a part of your promotion will wish to speak with the Abbot. He tells you he knows just the man and asks you to return the next morning.  Once you return and speak to him he will direct you to the courtyard (2). Look for a Monk in a gray robe who seems to be standing about idle. SPeak to him and he asks where you will be going. Once you reply he says he knows the way and will meet you there.

This quest seems to be a bit a buggy. I returned in the afternoon of the next day and there were no options in the dialogue box about a priest. If this happens don't panic, there's a workaround. Exit the Monastery and save your game outside.  

Now close out of the game and use Windows explorer or My Computer to locate the Minisaves folder. The default installation path will be: Program Files | 3DO | Might and Magic IX | Minisaves. Highlight all files in this folder that contain lindisfarnemonastery in their name. Press the delete key, click yes to delete these files.

Now bring the game back up, restore the save you made outside the Monastery, and go speak to the Abbot again. This time you should have a dialogue option that references the priest. Proceed normally from here. In the other extreme you may get the Priest dialogue every time you speak to the Abbot even if you already done with your promotion. Other than being annoying it does not affect game play.

Kill a Dragon

Snorri the Fist from Thjorgard sends you here to see the Abbot about summoning the dragon once you have completed the task he asked of you. The Abbot in turn will have a quest for you to perform before the Dragon can be summoned. He needs for you to recover the missing Saint's Relic from the Wizard's Lab in Yorwick.

Recover the Artifact Thjorad

The Thjorgard Jarl Sven Forkbeard sends you here to recover the Artifact Thjorad for him. This quest is best accomplished in a way that does not anger the Monks. Life can become difficult for any members seeking the Priest or Paladin Promotions when the residents are dead set on killing you.

Talk to the Monks guarding Thjorad (3). You will discover the only time this weapon is left unguarded is when they are at prayer.  Conversations lead you to the fact that the Monks go to prayer when the bells sound in a certain sequence.  In the rafters you can find the organist who is only to happy to play his new composition for you which mimics the bells tolling the call to prayer. Now you need to climb to the bell tower (4) and attempt to mimic his tune.

For those of us not too musically inclined face the bell ropes and tug them in the following sequence:
second from the left
second from the right

Now go get the Artifact. It is quickest to put on a Feather Fall spell and just start leaping balconies until you hit the ground floor but you can go down the ladders and still make it to Thjorad in time to snatch it up and boogie out the front door with it and no one will be the wiser.

Quests Originating here


Given by



Grehgknak the Right
Paladin Promotion
Abbot Leffery Caid
Recover the Saint's Relic