Lich Lab
Lower Level Walkthru
& Strategy |
Perception: 17
Lock Difficulty: 17 |
Trap Deadliness: 9 |
Treasure Level: 5
Creatures: Dagrells, Floating
Eyes, Ghouls, Liches, Skeletons
There is a pair of breakable doors (2) that
lead to what appears to be a cold storage unit. They have some interesting
things on ice that offer no resistance when you use them as target practice.
Lich Promotion
When you reach this level you should have already brewed your potions
and obtained a jar for each party member who is to become a Lich. You
objective is to reach the Lich making machine (3). This is one enormous undertaking.
You can get to the room leading in to the machine with little difficulty as
long as you don't enter any side rooms along the way. Only a few Dagrells,
Skeletal Warriors and Masters patrol hallways.
The large open area around the machine
itself is another story entirely. I tried everything I could think of and
there is just no easy way to do this. When it got right down to it I had
the party use a Feather Fall spell and leapt over the railings of the catwalk
and just went at it tooth and nail. This without a doubt, will be your most
memorable battle in all of Chedian and beyond. Once you have cleared all the
hostile forces you can proceed with your objective.
Get onto the catwalk and proceed to the
control panel at its central point near the machine. Throw the lever and have
any party members that are to become Liches drink the Elixir of Defedation.
Go down to ground level and enter the only non broken alcove at the base of
the machine. Throw the lever in this alcove, the door shuts, and whoever is
destined to become a Lich will become one.