
Walkthru & Strategy

Guberland Map
Perception: 4
Lock Difficulty: 4
Trap Deadliness: 3
Treasure Level: 2
Creatures: Dragonflies, Jellyspores, Thieves

The Dook resides in his Castle (5) here but the Jarl, Markel the Great, will ask you to get rid of him. This is a secondary quest and does not need to be completed. However if you plan to have any Rangers in your party go ahead and take the quest, you'll be going to his castle later as a part of your Ranger Promotion anyway.

The Temple of Honk (6) is the site for another secondary quest that occurs very late in the game. Don't bother fooling around here while your party is young. You won't get far in the Temple itself and the entry can prove to be very deadly. Hint: Don't upset the goose! We wandered in as tots and one peck from that feathered atrocity had us rubbing our backsides for hours. It took weeks for our pride to heal.

Healer Promotion

After you have been assigned this quest by Tjolnir the Super-neat in the city all you need to do is enter the Old Hag's Cave (3) and snatch some hair out of her hairbrush on the stool.  She isn't the least bit hostile and you may even want to chat with her a bit. What she had to say about Yrsa sent chills up my spine and set me to wondering. Are we truly doing the right thing for the right reasons?

Mercenary Promotion

Once you have been assigned this quest by Thorfinn Skullsplitter of Thronheim Atli Sigmundssen (7) near the entrance of the Gathering site is the man to see here. He and his lovely daughter are packing it in and heading to greener pastures. He simply needs you to guard his boat for a few hours. Speak to him and then be there to relieve the Guard on the dock at 3:00 am.

Normally within 45 minutes you can expect a raid. The thieves in the area got wind of ole Atli's trip and are here for a discount. Just be sure to stop these yahoos before they fall into the water. They have phenomenal breathing capacities.  Drowning is no way to protect some one's ship. At around 7:00 a.m. Atli, his daughter, and the guard you relieved come wandering in. Be sure to speak to Atli. He is the one who gives you your reward and promotion for this quest.

Find Nicoli a Job

Guberland is also a great place to have fun. The Gathering (4) offers several games to entertain and annoy you. Hey! This is almost like a circus, maybe Nicoli that strange man in Drangheim, will be happy with a job here. If you have accepted the quest to find Nicoli a job talk to Thorir Mouth near the first tent.

Capstone of Order

He is also the one to approach when seeking the Capstone of Order. He will tell you about the Capstone the first time you ask about it but it will not be made available to you until you actually need it and have all 6 prizes he requires to trade for it.

Do not let this "6" fool you. There are only 5 different games here in Guberland to play. It is not necessary to play all the games to get the 6 prizes. They are awarded randomly. So find one you're good at and save your game before each time you play. Play the game, check the inventory of the active character to see which prize you have received. If it is the same as one you already have just restore and play again until you have the 6 different items needed. Once you have the Capstone proceed to Verhoffin Ruins on the Isle of Ashes to place it.

Battle of Wits

Ivan the Smart is located here about midway between the first two tents. He challenges you to a game of wits to the death. Fear not, he never really tries to kill you.  You do need to defeat him though, and be merciful, in order to complete one of coalition quests Jarl Markel the Great assigns. He will give you a paper stating your victory after you have answered his 7 questions. The answers are below in case you're having trouble with this.

Strumford & Drangheim
Making magic items
Murdered by his personal guards
Ivan the Smart

NPCs for Hire




Alvar the Clumsy

Temple of Honk Dook's Castle Guberland City