
Frosgard Map
Perception: 8
Lock Difficulty: 8
Trap Deadliness: 4
Treasure Level: 2
Creatures: Bigfoot, Gezzampts, Ice Lobbers, Wolves

The Dock (1) is basically a part of the city and you will be asked to find a way to break up the ice to open the shipping lanes. For further details refer to the Frosgard City Map.

The teleporter (3a) takes you to Yanmir's Sky Fort (3). Yanmir is the last of the Frost Giants and he is terrorizing the countryside. The Jarl of Frosgard will ask you to find a way to destroy this menace.

Might I recommend a little sight seeing trip to the Ice tunnel which is the passage to the Sky Fort teleporter? It is unique in Chedian and is actually quite lovely after you have removed its current inhabitants. Not to mention the endurance pedestal and pair of chests to ransack along the way.

The Dungeon of Secrets (4) is where a Ranger will be asked to go for part of his or her Promotion Quest.

The aspiring Priest will need to visit the Ruined Temple (6) to accomplish a portion of their Promotion Quest.

Druid Promotion Quest

Menja Ketildotir from Frosgard City will send you to speak with the tracker (7) near town who will give you information on how to find the Green Man (5). He is who actually assigns the tasks involved in the Druid Promotion Quest. (Like it isn't obvious the Green Man lives in the only "green" place in Frosgard.)

Getting to the Green Man is probably the single most difficult thing to do here. Watch your backside when near the Ambush site (8). Yeti's leap off the mountain top to harass you. If you listen closely you will hear what sounds like gravel tumbling down the hillside.

At this point I used TBCM and beaded in on the buggers on the top of the mountain. Using bows, spells, and scrolls we sorta hurt them before they were all over us. When they got within range curse spells and scrolls were used to help minimize the damage they doled out and coupled with bless and faith spells the party did some respectable damage to them. We were still peons below level 15 at the time. They aren't so tough when you grow up.

Quests Originating here

Given by



The Green Man
5 Repair the Maypole in Frosgard City

Obtain 6 pledges from the people of Frosgard

Get the Leader of Frosgard to carve a Runestone

Thronheim Ruined Temple Yanmir's Fort Dungeon of Secrets Frosgard City Thjorgard