Dungeon of Secrets
Perception: 17
Trap Deadliness: 9
Creatures: none
Lock Difficulty:
Treasure Level: 1
Timing is everything here. Always save your game
just before entering a new section after you have successfully completed
the previous section. This can take several tries. Good luck!
Section 1
Pull each lever and make it through the associated door before the timer
goes off. Fleet Foot and being set to always run are useful here.
Section 2
Lift the floor grate, swim down and under the floor. You will need
to use the X key to jump out of the deeper water then again from the shallower
water into the doorway to proceed down the hall to section 3.
Section 3
This section is one of the most difficult to get past without setting off
the fireball traps. Step into the room then right back into the hallway. An
evil little mouse runs around in here setting off the traps. Wait until he
gets roasted to proceed. |
Go over next to the lever. Take off always run and
do not put a Fleet Foot spell on. (If one is active wait until it wears off.)
Step as close to the oval shaped floor squares as possible but still remain
within reach of the lever. Pull the lever, step forward and then hop forward
4 times using the X key. Use shift to run to the door and exit the room before
the timer runs out.
Section 4
Put always run back on before attempting this section. Fleet foot is also
useful here. Pull the lever and proceed only a short distance while standing.
Crouch before you reach the trap triggers that are at head height along the
walls. Remain crouched and proceed forward past the triggers. Return to a
standing position as soon as you clear the triggers and race up the stairs
and out the door before the timer runs out.
Section 5
Pull the 9th lever from D5 and hightail it out the door before the timer
runs out.
Section 6
Inch forward near the trap trigger but remain within reach of the lever.
Pull the lever, jump the trap trigger, then leap across the gap to the
other side and exit the door before the timer runs out. If you fall you will
end up back in section 2.
Section 7
Jump up on the raised area in the center of this room. Then jump into the
center of the elevator pad and ride it down. Pull the lever there and exit
quickly through the door before the timer runs out.
This elevator is one of those "holes" you need to
be directly lined up with in order for the party to descend properly. My party
was left standing on the edge while it took off without us. I crouched and
jumped onto the ledge just beside the elevator, centered the party, and then
did a little hop onto the elevator pad. It seemed to work 99% of the time.
Section 8
Stand against the wall in front of the lever and again position yourself
as far from it as you can but still within range to pull it. Remaining close
to the wall proceed forward and hop the next 3 trap triggers, sidestep left
step forward, hop the trigger, sidestep right, step forward, turn 45 degrees
left and hop the center trigger, face the door and make a running jump over
the final triggers and exit the door before the timer goes off.
If you just absolutely cannot get this, place a Lloyd's
Beacon in the hall after the final door but before the final gate. Speak to
Chadwick Boorsley and go in again. Once inside the first door recall to your
Beacon and that's that.