
Walkthru & Strategy

Drangheim Map
Perception: 3
Lock Difficulty: 3
Trap Deadliness: 2
Treasure Level: 2
Creatures: Dragonflies, Thralls, Thieves

If you walk in from Strumford naturally when you first arrive you get pelted by dragonflies.  Skeletons adorn the landscape concealing loot in this first valley.

Thralls have camped around the cook pot, north of the city (2), and guard the entrance to the Chasm of the Dead (5).

The Well in the little village (3a) leads into the sub level of the prison. You can enter this way or try the direct approach through the front door. I prefer the direct approach so you don't have to worry about guards in the prison raising a ruckus when they spot you. It does make a great exit though.

Mage Promotion Quest

The locked house (6) will only be of interest for those involved in the Mage Promotion Quest. At the SW corner of the room bash out the floorboards to reveal Verhoffin's real Diary needed for your promotion.

Crusader Promotion Quest

For anyone on the Crusader Promotion Quest Bandits and Cutpurses make up the Yobboe gang who have a little hidey hole in a chasm (3b). The folks in the small village (3a) would like to see an end to these hooligans. You will need to defeat this gang and return the items you find lying about there. (The items do not show up until you accept the Quest.)

These blighters are pretty tough when you are a low like we were when we did this. The party is pretty deadly at range with bows and spells but up close and personal gets hairy at this point in time.  We did the promo very early and still under level 10. So we looked about for alternate attack positions and discovered to our delight a small pass over the little hill to the SW of their camp.

From atop the hill we lobbed volleys of arrows into their midst in RTCM. However, one must bear in mind these fellas have ranged attacks as well so you may need to use TBCM to heal up then return to RTCM, keeping a close eye on your weaker characters. Scrolls of enrage used on the Bandits greatly improve your chances of success, they will beat the stuffin out of their fellows. Try to aim well and not hit the one enraged so he continues on with his mission to make your life easier.

Strumford Drangheim Prison Well leading to and from the Prison sub level Drangheim City Chasm of the Dead