Dragon Cave

Dragon Cave Map

I think the two strategies below pretty much confirm the best attack strategy while they vary slightly. The two different approaches to how each person protected their party is quite interesting. Combined these two strategies should give you a pretty good idea on how to Slay the Dragon. Have fun!

Strategy by Charles

Having finally tangled with (and defeated) the Dragon King, this battle is not for the weak of heart as the Dragon King has 39000 hit points and packs quite a wallop when he attacks. I found that most of the offensive spells have little effect on the dragon. Poison spells have a limited success of significant damage on him but it's a crap shoot on their success. I either got a ton of damage on him or very little damage with these.  He seems to have resistance to most of the crippling spell classes like dark grasp, arms of earth, etc..

He also has one helluva armor class because my party had little success hitting him with the best weapons available in Chedia (including a whole set of worthless of Dragon slaying melee and range weapons for my party) and Godlike stats that were beefed up with Bless and Faith spells.

I did find a combination that works well on him finally.  He is very susceptible to stun and paralyze when he is hit with weapons with these modifiers (i.e. of brawlers, of fear). The Fear weapons last the longest on him.  Dragon King strategy to defeat him and remain alive to tell about it.

1) Paralyze him with a Fear weapon.

2) step back a few feet while your Ranger wails on him with Everstrike(the only weapon that I found that would consistently hit him and hit him hard). 

Repeat as necessary and sprinkle in some healing spell casts to keep everyone alive. He is worth a ton of experience points and he guards two Black chests with killer items in them.

Have elemental protection and resist death magic cast on your party.  I used elemental aura also; however, the dragon didn't seem to take much damage from the return spell so again it may be a worthless spell to cast. Also, the dragon's fighting tatics are as follows: he casts column of fire and also paralyze according to the identify monster info.  I also noticed during the battle that he seems to have a wing buffet attack in which he throws the party out of melee range so be prepared for that. - Charles

Strategy by Tom

First this was my party all leveled up in combat and magic abilities. Mage, Assasin, Paladin, Priest. First I had to figure out what would stop him as in what would make him stop using his attacks. I tried paralyze because I remembered that that worked like a charm on dragons in previous mm games. But it would only be active for a couple of minutes and that just wasn't good enough. So, I though to myself, I need somthing that does the same and holds out longer or can be reused a lot. Fortunatly I had a couple 'of brutes' weapons. And that did the trick. So I went out in search of more. Once I had them I returned. Don't bother with the 'dragon slaying' weapons because they don't hit more often then others and if you can't incapacitate the dragon, you'll be dead anyway.

Then it was finding out what would hurt this critter. I tried every spell I had and the only ones that did some good damage were the 'eye of the storm' spell doing some 200 damage but this one can only be cast once per day, and the 'chain lightening' spell but that did only some 10-70 hps of damage wich just wasn't enough. So I looked at my spell book and noticed one that I hadn't used before. Why i don't know. That spell being 'poison cloud'. I cast it and to my surpise it did 300-500 damge a cast. The thing is, that this critter is so big that it doesn't get hit once by the cloud but multiple times. Every time it gets hit it does some 40 to 135 damage.
So, this is how I killed the dragon. 

Entered the dragon cave and set poison cloud as my mages quick spell. Casted pain reflection on every party member. It would at least deal some damage if the dragon hit me. I put a wand of clouds in my mages weapons slot, luckily I had been hanging on to most of the wands in case of a rainy day, boy did they come in handy. Casted bless and rushed the dragon.

When it got paralyzed by the weapons I casted regeneration on everyone that needed it and if needed you can always resurrect someone. Both the mage and cleric can cast this so you should have at least one of them still alive. Then I started wacking him and using up my wands of clouds. The mage was doing the most damage with her wands wile the others did continuosly paralyze the dragon. If it got out of the paralyzation it didn't take long for him to get paralyzed again. If he did get out he did do some damage. My priest casted regeneration on the party members that needed it and if push comes to shove she could always use divine intervention, as could the mage. If the wand run out, you can always use the spell of poison cloud. If the mage gets to low on spell points, use the divine intervention spell. An item that regenerates spell and hit points can also be very handy. - Tom