Dook's Castle
Walkthru and Strategy
Perception: 8
Lock Difficulty: 8
Trap Deadliness: 5
Treasure Level: 3
Creatures: Basilisks,
Half Orcs, Trellborgs, Winged Mutants
Get Rid of the Dook
Getting rid of the Dook (1) for Markel isn't very difficult. For all
his bluff and bluster the Dook is actually quite the coward. If you threaten
him with bodily harm he is more than compliant and agrees to leave. (Actually
he never does leave but Markel is happy so who am I to argue.) His guards
make no move against you when you enter here. In fact I don't know what
the man has guards for.
You can ransack the place even looting
the chest behind the Dook and his throne without any one so much as lifting
an eyebrow. Things do change however if you fiddle with the shield mounted
on the wall (2) and open the secret door (3) leading underneath the castle.
Ranger Promotion
For one desiring to become a Ranger, the Everstrike Bow is an integral
part of your Promotion Quest. It is not so easy to reach. Many obstacles
stand between you and your objective. Once those are cleared out then you
still have to get out of building with your prize. The easiest thing you
will encounter are basilisks. Do what you always do, kill 'em, skin 'em,
swig down cure poison potions, and be on your way.
Dealing with Trellborgs and Winged
Mutants is no easy task and not one to be done at low levels. If you are
just coming in from Strumford and Drangheim, stick to your objective of
getting rid of the Dook. Tackle this lower section later. These beasts break
items like there's no tomorrow and they also break heads, yours.
Trells stick together, you aren't
luring just one to his doom unless you get the others hung up on the twists
and turns of the passages. Since there's a group of them almost immediately
inside the passage it is next to impossible to do anything other than deal
with the three of them at once. We used scrolls of Dark Grasp which seemed
to have the best affect on them and gave us a chance to get a few hits in
before they pounded us into dog meat.
Once you manage to get past them go
the short route to the chasm. Some things you may want to try to do now
is lure the winged mutants one at a time into the tunnels away from the
open water filled chasm. This watery chasm has a series of broken wooden
walkways which you need to jump around on in order to make your way across
to the bow (4).
Having these mutants harassing you
along the way is not a good idea. Dealing with them one at a time isn't
easy but its definitely preferable to several on you at once on rickety
walkways. Which could become downright impossible to do unless you are mid
to high levels. And don't think you're gonna race over there and grab the
bow to use on these monstrosities on the way out. Only a Priest or Ranger
can equip this bow, and if you're coming for it, you ain't no Ranger yet.
One of you may be Priest.
Getting back out past the remaining
Trellborgs can be easier than getting past the ones you are forced to
face coming in. (And they can be avoided altogether if you return the way
you came.) Here you have plenty of room to run and separate these guys.
We would run back to the chasm, leap onto one of the walkways and used
ranged attacks on those unfortunate souls who did keep pace with us. A
bit of pay back for past embarrassments ya might say.
One problem, if one of these yahoos
takes it into his head to dive into the water it can be a real pain. For
some reason the only creatures that cannot survive under water are us.
Everyone else seems to have invisible scuba tanks. We found the other Black
Chest quite by accident this way. We went Trellborg diving and he happened
to be standing practically on top of it. It is under water.
Now you have the bow and its clear
sailing. Ah no. You remember those guards who will let you rob the Dook
blind? Well they won't stand for you taking the bow, so rest up and be at
your best before entering the Castle proper again.