Bath House

Walkthru & Strategy
Note: this is actually one quest that is better performed before it is assigned if you prefer a clean quest log. Some folks have reported that it only clears if you do it, then talk to the Bartender and tell him its already done.

Bath House Upper Level Map
Perception: 15
Trap Deadliness: 7
Lock Difficulty: 15 Treasure Level: 3
Creatures: Colloidal Warriors, Concubines, Demons, Jellyspores
Bath House Sub Level Map

Clean out the Bath House

Jokull, the Bartender here in Arslegard City, needs some one to clean out this place so Krohn can come have his bath.  Don't worry the only cleaning supplies you'll need you're already packin'. This is pretty much a Hack n' Slash mission from the moment you come in the front door. Two Colloidal Warriors are right there to greet you.

The only variation from whacking everything in sight is to sneak in past Ebora and her Concubines to the grate in the wall (3). Crouch, open the grate, and creep only a short distance into the crawl space beyond.

Be careful of the steam valves in here. Hot steam can put a hurting on you. Get the timing down and then go as they shut off. The first is in the ceiling, the other 3 are along the wall and are spaced far enough apart so you shouldn't have any trouble getting past them without being parboiled.

When you reach the steam machine (4) go ahead and turn the valve then peer through the east window grate and watch what happens to the Colloidal Warrior in the pool there. Too bad it doesn't affect the pool to the west in the same manner, there are three of those bad boys over there.

Now you can crawl back out and either sneak back out into the entry area or you can step in on Ebora. She isn't too thrilled about you interrupting her bath and sends her Concubines to deal with you. These little gals are tough as nails and they use them too. We were taking some huge damage from them. (I wondered what all the cats were doing around Ebora back in the Thjorad Mines.)

I made the sorry mistake of killing Ebora as well as her body guards and got a failed quest so leave her alone no matter how much you'd like to pop her one. I guess if she doesn't get all huffy and leave of her own accord the quest flag doesn't set.

If you prefer to be sneaky about invading her privacy then head to the drain (1) in the south west bath room. Dispatch the 3 Colloidal Warriors there and dive down the drain. These drains are kinda small and oddly shaped so it may take a few tries to get down one. Unless of course you have our luck and go kerplunk while in the heat of battle. Nothing like staring at a Colloidal butte while you're struggling for breath.

Follow the drain until it opens out into a room. Jump out of the water and cross the room to the east and dive back in the water there. Take a little detour down the the channel to the east and visit the room where the pump lever (6) is.

Hop out of the channel into the shallow water and cross to the ladder. Climb up, throw the lever then head back down the channel to the intersection. Pop up for a breath and then swim for the drain (2a) that will return you to the bath room (2) to the west of Ebora's.

Once Ebora has huffed off head east down the hall and open the door there. Dispatch anything that gets in your way and help yourselves to the chests. The Black Chest will be inaccessible until you flip the pump switch.