Anskram Keep
Perception: 12
Lock Difficulty: 12
Trap Deadliness: 7
Treasure Level: 3
Creatures: Imps, Nagates, Flying
Clear out the Imps
Your main objective here to complete the Coalition Quest Strumford's
Jarl assigns you is to get rid of the Imps and make certain they do not
To accomplish this you need to
kill the existing Imps and put out the 8 fires where the Imps originate around
the Keep. Putting out the fires simply means standing there and battling
each Imp as it emerges. After a few the fire goes out.
You will need to make your way to the
a pair of levers (L1) in order to unlock the levers (L2) that control the
huge doors separating the two sections of the Keep. Throwing the L2 lever
causes both sets of doors to alternate from their original state. One set
closes and then the other opens. Throw the lever and run quickly past the
closing doors and wait momentarily for the other doors to open giving you
access to the other section of the Keep.
Once all the fires have been put out
and you hear the customary quest completion "ding" head to the cage (1) area.
A large cage asends out of the floor carrying with it Granddaddy Imp. Two
town guards come in to do battle with it. In the ensuing struggle you can
get involved or wait to see the outcome. Just try not to kill the guards,
they are on your side.
Apparently this little action does not
always work. I am unsure of the details why, but it has worked for
me every time. I always enter at the rear of the Keep, that would be the
west door on the upper level of the Keep outside. Then systematically put
out the fires saving the front of the Keep for last. I killed the Imp once
wanting to get the exp and witnessed the guards running in place. I decided
to wait until they engaged the Imp after that before acting. No telling what
a pair of goofy dancing guards will cause to happen in the future.
There is a chest hidden in a compartment
in the wall in the area outlined in dark red. To get to the chest step forward
onto the edge of the trapped floor area then back off quickly. When the
wall section flips out and replaces the floor section step on it and wait
until it flips back up pushing you into the alcove.
Once you are ready to leave turn from
the compartment to your left 90 degrees and there will be a button on the
wall. If you don't spot it then turn another 90 degrees and sidestep right
into the wall, look along the wall on what will be your right hand side and
you should see the button protruding slightly from the wall. Press it and
it flips you back into the hallway.