Ravenshore City
1 Boat Dock
2a Merchant House of Alvar, Elgar Fellmoon:
Deliver Dadeross' letter here: Pre-Alliance Essential Quest
After the alliance is completely formed this becomes the seat of the Council and you are given 3 chests in the storeroom to store gear. 
Post-Alliance Essential Quest
2b Merchant House of Alvar Library
3 Stonecleaver Hall, Blacken Stonecleaver, Trainer : GM ID Monster
4 House of Hawthorne, Stranton Hawthorne, Trainer : Expert Spirit Magic
5 Adventurer's Inn: Hirelings
6 Guild of Bounty Hunters
7 Sanctum, Temple, skills: Merchant, Regeneration
8 Neblick's House, Neblick, Trader , Sells: Forged Credit Vouchers; Buys: Silver Dust of the Sea
9 Botham Hall, Botham, Trainer : Master Plate
10 Lathius' House, Lathius: Local Quest
11 Karrand's Cottage, Payge Karrand - Lore
12 Putnams' Home, Alton Putnam, Trainer : Expert Meditation
13 Well +25 Might Temporary
14 Self Guild, skills: Body, Meditation, Mind, Spirit (N-GM spells)
15 The Polished Shield, Armor Shop, skills: Leather, Chain
16 Bank, Steele's Vault
17 Stable, Guild Caravans
18 Reaver's Home, Reaver, Bounty on Naga Hides
19 House Understone, Thorne Understone, NPC
20 Temper Hall, Taren Temper, Trainer : Expert Fire
21 Tavern, Kessel's Kantina, skills: Disarm Trap, Perception
22 Apothecary, Alchemy Shop - skills: Alchemy, ID Monster
23 Gymnasiun, Trainer (to level 15) - skills: Armsmaster, Body Building
24 Hillsman Cottage, Ethan Hillsman, Lore
25 Caverhill Estate, Lanshee Caverhill, Trainer : Master Dark Elf
26 Jobber's Home, Jobber, Trainer : Master Dagger
27 Ivers Estates, Karlin Ivers, Lore
28a Vexations Hexes, Elemental Guild - skills: Air, Earth, Fire, Learning, Water; (Elemental Magic N-E)
28b Keen Edge, Weapon Skop, skills: Bow, Dagger, Spear, Staff, Sword
28c Needful Things, Magician - skills: ID Item & Repair Item
28d Caori's Curios, Magician  - skills: ID Item & Repair Item
29 Hostel becomes the house of Xanthor mage of Enroth after you sink the Regnan Fleet. Post-Alliance Essential Quest
30 House Memoria, Karanya Memoria, NPC
31 Brigham's Home, Brigham Kinney, Lore
32 Hostel becomes the home of Catherine and Rolan of Enroth after you sink the Regnan Fleet
33 Arius' House, Arius, NPC
34 Luodrin House, Aerie Luodrin, Trainer : Expert Sword
35 Townsaver Hall, Matric Townsaver, Trainer : Expert Spear
Lisha Sourbrow,  Trainer : Expert Mace
36 Deerhunter's House, Poundlin Deerhunter, Lore
37 Escaton's Crystal
F Fountain (If you have less than 100 gold you receive 200 gold when using the fountain) Thanks Tom 
