Nightshade Brazier

Find and return the Nightshade Brazier hidden within the Temple of the Sun with the assistance of *Dyson Leland NPC .  Without Dyson the secret button (2) on the wall of the upper chamber does not appear, so you are stuck with this guy like it or not!  Once that button is pressed the huge star in the lower room raises up high enough to reveal an elevator (e) that goes deep into the Temple.

You can actually walk up, take the Brazier and stand about without anything happening.  The moment you move, even if you retrace your steps to leave all hell breaks loose.  A wall in this chamber and the pedestal where the Brazier was descend into the floor.  You won't be using the elevator to get out, it only goes one way and you are already there. 

If you are getting the stuffing beat out of you, try this:  Grab the Brazier, walk forward a little and at the first sign the wall is going to descend put yourself in turn based combat mode (TBM).  Now just turn around and watch the pedestal looking down until it descends all the way thru the floor.  Line yourself up with the hole, take a deep breathe, go out of TBM and run for the hole. If you do this right you will drop out below the chamger and be headed right up the steps out of the place. 

Depending on how strong you are you may want to do battle with the few Priests in this lowest chamber then heal up.  The outside map goes berserk when you leave and its a fight for your life all the way to the border!

Once you return the Brazier to Sandro and Thant look what happens .