Balthazar's Lair

E Entrance/Exit
a-j Levers used to drain the Lair
F Healing Fountain
L Lowest lever needed to drain the Lair
1 Thany's House, Thanys, Quest - Drain the Lair, NPC

These become accessible only after you drain the Lair
2 Minotaur's Leader Room, Masul, Joins the Alliance because you saved the Lair
3 The Shaman, Temple, skills: Merchant, Regeneration
4 Lotts' House, Barbara Lotts, Trainer : Master Mind Magic
5 Hollyfield House, Shamus Hollyfield, Trainer : Master Leather
6 Bank of Balthazar
7 Balthazar Academy, Trainer, skills: Armsmaster, Body Building
8 Tessalar's House, Tessalar, Minotaur Lord Promotion
9 Stormeye's House, Hollis Stormeye, Trainer : Air Magic Master
10 Perius' Powders, Alchemy Shop, skills: Alchemy, ID Monster
11 Senjac's House, Garic Senjac, Trainer : GM Axe
12 Ulbrecht's House, Ulbrecht, NPC
13 Ferris' House, Ferris, Lore
14 Flooded House
15 Suretail House, Balan, Suretrail, Trainer : GM Perception
16 Rionel's House, Rionel, NPC
17 Linked Mail, Armor Shop, skills: ?
18 Ayzar's Axes, Weapon Shop, skills: ?
19 Amulets of Power, Magician, skills: ID Item & Repair Item
20 Guild of the Mind, Self Guild, skills: Spirit, Mind, Body, Meditation; N-E spells