Abandonded Temple

E Entrance
1-4 Buttons, pressed in order that cause a stairway to descend so you can continue on to 5
5 2 Secrets walls concealing chests one of which contains the Quest item Prophesies of the Snake
6 Secret door allowing passage back onto the main floor from the room below #7. Note: This door will open from the hallway and you can clear the monsters from the room below. Nothing more annoying than to fall onto the little beasties, puts them into rather a bad temper.
7 Look to the ceiling here for the path you need. Stepping off the path results in a fall to a room below. The four chests in the corners of this room can be reached by jumping (using the X key), one or two may be reached by edging as closely as possible to the path's limits before you fall.
8 The Button room. Opening the door to the east causes the floor to recede and the west door to close. You must press all 8 buttons to halt the floor and open the doors. Failure to do so is certain death.
9 Secret compartment concealing a Quest Item (a book) The Prophesies of the Sun
10 Avoid the red squares in this room as they will activate traps. The green will open a compartment on the NW wall containing a chest holding the Quest item Idol of the Snake.
X Exit