Helm of Serenity Chest ---------------------- Helm of Serenity Potion of Mod. Heal Potion of Hv. Heal Light Crossbow Poignard Shadow Cloak Katana Leather Hauberk Robes (U) +1 Robes (L) +1 Quilt Legging Scroll of Rest All Chamois Gloves Acid Bomb Kabuto Stud Chausses Dust of Banishment Doublestrike Dagger Zizka Star Bronze Greaves Steel Gauntlets Staff of Blessing Scroll of Crush Awl Pike Mystic Spear Spear Holy Basher Helm of Insight Dragonhide Cloak Bipennis Icicle Stix Bundle of Shrike Arrows Knock Picks Wand of Winds Amulet of Rainbows Bundle of Hunter Quarrels Bundle of Shrike Arrows Ta-Li Stones Canned Elemental Flash Powder Trynton Good ------------ Bundle of Arrows Bundle of Shrike Arrows Bundle of Barbed Arrows Bundle of Viper Arrows Bullet Stones Spike Stones Impaling Stones Medusa Stones Bundle of Quarrels Bundle of Hunter Quarrels Bundle of Lightning Bolts Plate Mail (U) Leather Cuirass Long Bow Heavy Crossbow Seige Arbalest Awl Pike Mystic Spear Beanie Phrygian Cap Flynn's Cap Thieves Dagger Sai Poison Dart Shuriken Cloak of Perception Ninja Garb (U) Enchanted Broadsword Amulet Pro Magic Stone of New Life Magic Nectar Book of Sleep Potion of Cure Light Condition Potion of Guardian Angel Potion of Dracon Breath Aqua Ring Resurrection Powder Ankh of Healing Icicle Stix Thieves Buckler Trynton Regular --------------- Bundle of Arrows Bundle of Shrike Arrows Bullet Stones Spike Stones Bundle of Quarrels Bundle of Hunter Quarrels Wrist Rocket Shuriken Feather Darts Throwing Knife Poison Dagger Bastard Sword Morning Star Granite Shield Halberd Spear Awl Pike Leather Cuirass Bronze Cuirass Leather Greaves Bronze Greaves Skullcap Bascinet Mystic's Ring Raven's Bill Potion of Mod. Heal Potion of Hv. Heal Enchanted Mace Book of Removal Scroll of Resurrect Scroll of Fireball Scroll of Slow Scroll of Freeze Flesh Potion of Cure Poison Stink Bomb Sneeze Powder Potion of Restoration Potion of Dracon Breath Ring of Protection Magic Nectar Dragon Head Chest ----------------- Resurrection Powder Devil Dust Magic Nectar Stink Bomb Icicle Stix Potion of Cure Disease