Trang good ---------- Shock Rod Bundle of Armor Piercers Stun Rod Stiletto Doublestrike Dagger Potion of Hv. Heal Potion of Hv. Heal Potion of Cure Poison Claymore Stave of Silence Silver Gloves Mitre De Sanct Scroll of Knock Knock Horn of Fear Do-Maru (U) Do-Maru (L) Ebony Heaume Bascinet Chain Mail+1 (U) Book of Summoning Renewal Potion Bundle of Barbed Arrows Book of Holding No-Dachi Plate Mail+2 (L) Bundle of Barbed Arrows Bundle of Lightning Bolts Ta-Li Stones Lithe Buckler Plate Mail+2 (U) Skeleton Powder Doom Darts Plate Mail+2 (L) Canned Elemental Silver Gloves Potion of Haste Dragon Kite Shadow Cloak Robes of Enchant(U) Amulet of Asphyxiate Trang regular ------------- Short Staff Bundle of Shrike Arrows Quarter Staff Stiletto Hand Axe Potion of Light Heal Potion of Mod. Heal Potion of Cure Poison Morning Star Rapier Mail Mittens Wizard's Cone Scroll of Knock Knock Horn of Fear Do-Maru (U) Do-Maru (L) Helm & Coif Bascinet Studded Hauberk Book of Frost Potion of Restoration Bundle of Arrows Book of Knocks No-Dachi Chamail Pants+2 Bundle of Shrike Arrows Bundle of Hunter Quarrels Spike Stones Holy Water Plate Mail (U) Devil Dust Doom Darts Plate Mail (L) Canned Elemental Copper Gloves Potion of Dracon Breath Buckler Shield Shadow Cloak Robes of Enchant(U) Amulet of Asphyxiate