Wizardry PG Splash Small

Proving Grounds


NEW Release !
! CASTLE                        MARKET !
+----------- CURRENT PARTY: -----------+

 1 SNAFARU         G-SAM  0   93   93
 2 THOMAS          G-LOR  0   77   77
 3 CT6502          G-FIG  0   65   65
 4 DDG AHAB        G-BIS  6   82   82
 5 MOLONY          G-MAG  9   96   96
 6 QKUMBA          N-THI  6   88   88

             YOU MAY GO TO:

  Wizardry Proving Grounds v3.1 24-MAR-2024

  (Original Apple II and ProDOS Formats)
  Full complete release!
Over 100 fixes and exciting enhancements such as:
- Pool and Divide gold.
- Ninja unarmed combat improvements, and
  reduced class requirements.
- Show hit probabitity and spells in combat.
- Show silenced characters on status window.  
- Here is a blog of What's New!

A)CKNOWLEGDMENT  The baseline for this project's code is the re-engineered Pascal source code (and assembler code) from the Wizardry_I program by Thomas William Ewers. This project would not exist without it. I am forever grateful for his work.

P)LAYER'S GUIDE FOR PG V3.1  Additional player's guide for Wizardry PG v3.1 with enhancement descriptions, charts, how to get the game started, etc.

S)PELLS  The very useful complete spells list.

O)RIGINAL GUIDE  Original player's guide.

C)ODE FIXES   Detailed code fixes that have been applied. Updated 24 Mar 2024!

D)ATABASE FIXES   Detailed database fixes that have been applied. Updated 24 Mar 2024!

L)IST  Rough working list of fixes, bugs, issues, and thoughts. Updated 24 Mar 2024!

R)ECOMPILE GUIDE  This guide has all you need to know to edit and compile Wizardry's Pascal game code.

B)UNDLE FOR RECOMPILING  Bundle of everything you need to edit and compile Wizardry's Pascal code. To be used with the guide above.

GitH)ub  Code repository, version control, and collaboration for this project.

E)MULATORS  An Apple II emulator is needed. Popular ones are A)ppleWin (for PCs) and V)irtual ][ (for Macs).

W)IZARDRY FAN PAGE BY SNAFARU  See my main web page for tons of other cool Wizardry stuff.